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[bd] Widget Framework 2.6.6

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How do I get the little dark block with description to show up - see attachment. 2 of the blocks have it. It shows on some widgets but not others.
The missing one seems to not a widget provided with this add-on. You will need to contact its author unfortunately.
But @RoldanLT figured it out I think, must be a <h3 /> tag missing.
could you provide an example of the code to change background to say widget-12?

I tried .widget-12 { style here} and it didn't work :)
It would be great, if we could set a max height for the tabbed content to get a scrollbar instead content jumping

If you take a look at you can see what i mean if you view the "newest threads" and "newest resources" tabbed widgets
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It would be great, if we could set a max height for the tabbed content to get a scrollbar instead content jumping

If you take a look at you can see what i mean if you view the "newest threads" and "newest resources" tabbed widgets
A temporary workaround is apply the max height via CSS? You should find a unique ID for the panes div. Sorry I couldn't get it for you because it looks like the newest thread widget is not showing up for guests (because of permissions?)
I tried to use the recent threads thing with this: hook:forum_list_nodes but it shows at the bottom of the forums instead of top...ermmm..
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