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[bd] Widget Framework 2.6.6

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Excellent addon, but is there a way to distinguish between a REPLY and a NEW THREAD? I want to show a widget for "trending threads" (threads with new replies) and another widget for new threads (threads just created without any replies yet). The problem is that new created threads end up in both widgets because it thinks the first post is a reply.
You will be able to do that in the next version :)
So I've installed the Widget Framework as I need it to create a good homepage. I need a homepage, that is divided into 2 or 3 columns. One column having all of my News threads, on with all my Events threads, etc. As well as, it would be nice to be able to show a banner for it as well inside of it.

How can I achieve this? I installed it, but I am unsure what to do.. as all I see is some widgets, and import/export widgets. And this also makes my Donation Manager sidebar disappear as well...
You will need to create a Widget Page (AdminCP > Applications > Node Tree > Create New Widget Page). Then you can start adding widgets to the widget page with your layout as needed.

For the Donation Manager, you can use this to make it work with [bd] Widget Framework.
Would it be possible to add functionality to Widget Framework to specify to display on all pages EXCEPT the ones listed..

Ie, I have a module on the following pages that uses variables that generate errors on other pages: forum_list, thread_view

I need to now create the same module that does NOT use the variable to display on every OTHER page except forum_list, thread_view... and I'm not sure how to do that easily. Creating a widget that says ALL EXCEPT forum_list, thread_view would be cool.

Actually you can do that fairly easy (without creating multiple widgets). Something like this

!empty($forum) AND $forum['node_id'] == 1

The "!empty" part checks for the variable before checking the node_id and prevents any server error.
I use Feed Reader on your widget framework and my position is hook:message_below but it shows after all posts.
I want just for first post of thread.
I think, i need enter an expression for make it .

So, i want a feed reeder which located at widget after first post of thread.
You can use the below expression but it won't work correctly with the current version of the add-on though. You need to wait till the next version to use it. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

!empty($post['post_id']) AND $post['position'] == 0
How about including a new search widget? I really don't like the 'contextual' one in XenForo. The options 'search this forum' should be disabled by default. :|
I don't quite get what you want?
Well, I'd love to have the search as a widget in sidebar; than sticking it in the navigation or header. Something like in WordPress; where you can put the search widget in sidebar.

Plus, right now if I'm in Forum X; the search widget automatically 'ticks' "Search This Forum Only". Many of our users, as I've observed, do not uncheck that option before searching; and then say they got disappointing search results. Because they only searched in the current forum; but they didn't know about it.
Plus, right now if I'm in Forum X; the search widget automatically 'ticks' "Search This Forum Only". Many of our users, as I've observed, do not uncheck that option before searching; and then say they got disappointing search results. Because they only searched in the current forum; but they didn't know about it.

Easy fix (until you get something else): search_bar_forum_only

Remove (line 2): checked="checked"

<label title="{xen:phrase search_only_x, 'title={$forum.title}'}"><input type="checkbox" name="nodes[]" value="{$forum.node_id}"
   id="search_bar_nodes" class="Disabler AutoChecker" checked="checked"
   data-uncheck="#search_bar_thread" /> {xen:phrase search_this_forum_only}</label>
   <ul id="search_bar_nodes_Disabler">
     <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="type[post][group_discussion]" value="1"
       id="search_bar_group_discussion" class="AutoChecker"
       data-uncheck="#search_bar_thread" /> {xen:phrase display_results_as_threads}</label></li>
That's a nice idea and great execution @MirrorMan (y) I will add a new option to filter by user group in the Birthday renderer. That way, admin can create user group promotion and easily control who show up in the Birthday renderer.
@xfrocks when you add this, can you also add an option to exclude user groups too? This would be useful in certain circumstances.
Probably you should try this (notice the greater than symbol):

.sidebar > .section:after {
background: url("@imagePath/xenforo/gradients/sidebar-shadow.png") no-repeat scroll center bottom transparent;
content: "";
position: relative;
display: block;
height: 30px; }
Awesome, thanks @xfrocks - it worked except for the share page block for some odd reason.

Screen Shot 2014-05-30 at 5.04.30 AM.webp
You are right that widget page has a node_id but it doesn't create a new template actually. The quickest way to find out the node_id is go to node list page in AdminCP, click to edit the page, you will see something like...


Then the node_is is 10.

You are correct!
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