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[bd] Widget Framework 2.6.6

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Hi @xfrocks - we've found an oddity with the Threads renderer - it is pulling the last poster in as the thread starter also? Neither of the two threads here were started by Idieuwke - but that member was the last to post in both? Any suggestions?

Many thanks!

Screenshot 2014-02-09 11.22.21.webp
Really? I've got them in the exact order I want them on every page that I want them on and only using templates. I think you may want to look at your setup again...

This is correct too. I think your lack of use of this and not using templates is your problem.
Can you share a screen shot of your settings you use on the clear side bar?
Can you share a screen shot of your settings you use on the clear side bar?
The same settings as your screenshot except no title (it's not needed), display order is 0 (clears everything first before the other widgets are added) and in the Position box I have the templates that I want this widget to appear on (he only one relevant to youis forum_list)

Anyway you have the solution to this, you just need to try it. If you want the same WF sidebar on all of the pages you wish it to appear it on:
  1. Get rid of the widgets added to hooks
  2. Use Clear Sidebar with display order 0 and add all required templates in the position box
  3. For all other widgets, set your desired display order and add all required templates in the position box
Display order of Clear Sidebar can be 1,2,3,-5,-6, etc as long as it's the first priority of all the Widgets.
FYI- This add on does NOT work as expected. There are still elements of the core sidebar no matter what combinations you use with position and clear side bar o n different pages of the forum. @Martok - you have very few items in your sidebar which is why your not seeing the issues.
See forum list with clear sidebar first - then, see online list clear sidebar 1 yet sill shows side bar elements:

Screen Shot 2014-02-09 at 7.55.38 AM.webp

online_list template with side bar, even with clear sidebar enabled:

Screen Shot 2014-02-09 at 7.58.16 AM.webp
@tommydamic68 I have 9 items in my WF Sidebar - you can't see some of these as they are not available to guests. I also have the Who Has Visited add on which is designed to appear in the online_list and CAN be cleared using Clear Sidebar - I know it can as I tested it. I also know that what I have instructed you do do works because I have tested it and it does work.

The only problem here is you - you are wasting eveyone's time by going on about this when a solution has been provided that does work which you can't be bothered to try. So do us all a favour and just do as you have been asked.

This is the last support I am giving you on this matter.
Thanks @Martok - I guess I may be having another issue then what you may have experienced with the two add ons - Also, I have followed the instructions listed above, no worries, I have asked the author of the who has visited add on to help, and yes, I see you have given me the same information as you did here on that post, thanks for your input even though it has not help resolve this issue. :)

Screen Shot 2014-02-09 at 8.52.38 AM.webp

Still remains in the online_list template even when using clear sidebar...
Screen Shot 2014-02-09 at 8.53.26 AM.webp
Any update on showing attachments as previewthumbs if using the thread renderer on a widget page?

I use a widget page as portal. This feature would be quite important for me.
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