Ads Manager by Siropu

Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid] 1.26.9

No permission to buy (€49.99)
I am using
<div style="text-align: center;">AD CODE</div>
to centre my ads but it does not seem to be taking effect any ideas?

Also open in a new window option does not seem to be working. Tried in firefox and chrome.
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Use Style Properties > Ads Manager to make changes.

Set text-align: center; for the unit you are using. It should centered by default.

The "Open in New Window" features doesn't work with custom code ads (javascript, flash) because you don't have control over the code. If you are using HTML ads with custom code, you can add target="_blank" to each link to make them open in new tab/window.
Ok thanks. I am using custom code option. The centre does not seem to be working by default but will check out style properties.
Hi i am wondering, is it possible to associate an ad with a user so they can view stats of that ad?
I created an ad for someone but obviously only i can see the stats of that ad how can i transfer ownership of that ad to another user, is this possible?
At the moment the only way to do this is to change it from database. I think I will add this features to make the process easy.
Just had a look. Would it be find xf_siropu_ads_manager_ads then find the ad and edit to change the username? Would this work ok and will it break anything?
I am confused with the "Forum category after ID" Where do i set this up. Its says edit and change x for ID but where or what do i edit?

Custom code ads are not centring. I know you said that i can look at the style properties but even then they are still not centred
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Go to Positions > List Positions and click to edit that position. You have to replace x with the ID of the category that you want to place ads after, on forumlist.

You can also add more positions with different IDs.

Try this for centering via Style Properties > Custom Code Item > under "Miscellaneous" > width: auto !important;
I'm testing this since a few hours and I'm really impressed. :cool:

I have one question, Is it possible to exclude page instead of selecting all the nodes I want to show ads?
I don't want to show ads on help pages and the terms & conditions. And I also hide ads on some other custom pages I made.
I want to show ads in "Above Top Breadcrumb" everywhere except some pages.
Before I was using this ads manager I did it like this.
<xen:if is="!in_array({$contentTemplate}, array('','thread_view', 'help_page', 'message_page', 'error', 'search_form', 'search_form_post', 'search_form_profile_post', 'search_results', 'register_form', 'register_facebook', 'register_twitter', 'register_google','login', 'error_with_login', 'avforums_competitions_view'))">
That is my problem too, and only solution I get is to have two same banner. One for nodes I select, and one for main page. It will be more easier if we have options not to show in nodes etc.
Criteria is only half good if has only yes, or has only no, but if we have yes and no, that will be excelent (example, user has avatar, and user has not avatar)
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