Ads Manager by Siropu

Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid] 1.26.9

No permission to buy (€49.99)
1. Use the Ads Manager style properties to set width to 100% for the ad unit item you want and then wrap the text with this

<div style="text-align: center/left/right;">Ad code</div>

ive tried this but adsense will not align to left side.

Style Properties: Ads Manager ==>

any idea ?

my code is
<div style="text-align: left;">Ad code</div>
If you want to align every custom code ad to the left, width and text-align it's not needed. You also don't need to add any extra code to your ad code.
You need width: 100% only for "Custom Code Item" if you want to be able to align the ads within the ad code.

With the settings you have now, the ads should be aligned to the left. Please send me a support ticket with your website url to take a look at the code.
hi siropu

can you add a feature that will randomly swap banners ?
ads group is none

first browser refresh:
[bannerA] [bannerB] [bannerC]

2nd browser refresh:
[bannerC] [bannerA] [bannerB]

and so on...
thanks siropu found it :D

also how can i manually use the IF ELSE conditional in code for mobile tablet pc?

<xen:if is="{mobile}">
display this

<xen:if is="{tablet}">
show this

<xen:if is="{desktop}">
display this

what is the correct code?
Is your add-on compatible with BD Widget Framework ?
Is it possible to invocate zone tags from Revive / OpenX for example ?
What do you mean by compatible?
I'm not familiar with those services and I don't know how they work. My Add-on has the option to use custom code so if those services use javascript/iframe to display ads, it should work but with my Add-on I don't think you need those.
What do you mean by compatible?
By compatible, I mean : will your tool manage the display order for example in sidebar with widgets created in BD Widget Framework. But Fred answered my question.

I'm not familiar with those services and I don't know how they work. My Add-on has the option to use custom code so if those services use javascript/iframe to display ads, it should work but with my Add-on I don't think you need those.
I run my website with two platforms, Joomla and Xenforo. I use OpenX / Revive (open-source adserver) to manage banner display in Joomla. I define zones, and put invocation codes in Joomla templates to display banners. OpenX / Revive managed the campaign and banners display priorities.

So I wanted to know if it is possible to use both tools together, for example by "calling" a banner purchased through your tool to display it in Joomla or the other way around by "calling" an OpenX / Revive zone to display a banner coming from this part in Xenforo positions.

Yes, It is. I use both without problems. :)
Thank you @Fred. :)
My Add-on works with its own positions (you can use the existing or you can add yours) but it doesn't interact with other Add-ons.
You can't use ads externally, only in xenforo.
By compatible, I mean : will your tool manage the display order for example in sidebar with widgets created in BD Widget Framework. But Fred answered my question.
I told you the add-ons where compatible. With other words they work together.
I did not say it is possible to place ads in a widget. (I don't know if it is)
Like Siropu said, the add-on works with its own positions. And there are a lot of them. Also for the sidebar.
Does this add-on support recurring payments so that ads can automatically renew until canceled? This is an absolute necessity for a true professional grade ad management system.

Also, can one ad spot/account support multiple file uploads displayed randomly?

Thank you,
I haven't added recurring payments because in my opinion it's not user friendly. The user can select for how long the ad should run and before the ad is expiring they will be automatically notified if they want to extend the ad and they can do it very easily if they want to, no need to bother with cancelling recurring payments.

As for the other question, you can set as many ads as you want in the same position and you can order them in 7 ways: Ad order asc/desc, Ad creation date asc/desc Ad CTR asc/desc and random. You can also display all of them one by one in rotation via Javascript without having to reload the page.

For what it's worth, recurring payments are the most requested feature in correspondence with our advertisers. It's also good for site owners as it generally increases ad revenues. I've had to set up a separate web page with Paypal buttons for recurring payments but we have to ask our advertisers to manually work through this process because it doesn't integrate into XenCentral's advertising add-on.

Thanks for the quick reply.
I might implement this at some point but per ad not globally so that user can opt in or not for recurring payments.
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