Ads Manager by Siropu

Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid] 1.26.9

No permission to buy (€49.99)
The "Pay With..." phrase is siropu_ads_manager_pay_with
"ZarinPal is hard coded since it's a service name. If you want to rename it and don't use other payment options, just replace {option} in the phrase with your text.
To rename the currency code use the new admin option: Currency Code Translate
Add this: IRR=تومان

Another: Still fields content are LTR, although my style is RTL. (of course URL always is LTR, but other fields its better to be RTL when the style is RTL)
Could you please upload a screen shot of how it looks?
See. When I write Persian, it types it from left side of field.
In this way, if I use English words in my text, it will show in a bad way. not neat.

But see my AAF add-on's fields:
That add-on shows correct. It is RTL.
Go to "siropu_ads_manager_ad_edit" and remove dir="ltr" from the form fields. I don't know how I missed that.
Getting this for upgrade:
Callback Siropu_AdsManager_Listener::init_dependencies is invalid (Invalid Method).

edit: After 3 times reuploading files, update process begin
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Still no chance to show banner on forum list AND some nodes?
Still have to create two packages for same place. One for forum nodes, and another for forum_list content template.
Any chance to "merge" both criteria, not to exclude
after updating to 1.20.0, I get Merge Template Changes - siropu_ads_manager_ad_common.css
Do I
  • Resolve using parent version
  • Resolve using both
  • Resolve using custom version
Maybe a bug:
I created a placeholder for one of packages.
I set 6 banners. So they will be rotated in each view.
It working fine.
But I don't know why that auto created banner is also coming sometimes.
The problem is also that auto created banner is being displayed most of the time. (I mean, if I reload a page 10 times, then more than 5 times I see that auto created banner, although I uploaded 6 banners for that placeholder)
Logically when I upload banners for placeholders, so I don't want to display that auto created banner anymore.
Yet another problem.
I created a "advertise here". And it displayed where it should be.
There were 20 slots for that position.
Then a user purchased 1 slot. So it became 1/20. So? 19 slots remaining yet.
But the "advertise here" banner became inactive.
Why? Shouldn't it be active until the position has free slots?
Another bug:
There is an ad + a placeholder in a position. But see the ad came on the message container. Half if the banner is in user's post:
(and why those 2 banners are displaying below each other? when there is space, they should be displayed next to each other.with a little free space between them. and just if the screen's width is decreased then they go below each other. This also is logical for other types of ads IMHO)

Here is how it look like even when I removed those text and link ad above banners:
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Still no chance to show banner on forum list AND some nodes?
When using node criteria, that's the default XF behavior.

@audiokid, use the new template version.
@Dadparvar, placeholders generated from "Manage Placeholders" are enabled automatically when there are no active ads and disabled when there are ads. If you enable the "Advertise Here" link option in package settings, this will add a link under the package unit when there are active ads until there are no slots available. It's not possible for a placeholder and an "Advertise Here" link to display at the same time.
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