Ads Manager by Siropu

Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid] 1.26.9

No permission to buy (€49.99)
I translated "Advertise Here" link, and everything is OK.
But the "{costPer}" part is not working as it must.
Although I translate Day, Month, Week, Year and ... in phrases, but again the "Advertise Here" link shows English word of "{costPer}"'s value.
Also these emails still are sending in English although my Language is set to Persian and I translated them:
Also when a user click on "Extend" for his ad, in overlay, the phrase "Discount" is displayed in English, although it is translated to Persian.
(at all, we have problem with some phrases, and they are not fixed by reverting the phrases and re translating them)
To see this problem in act:
Maybe a bug:
I created a placeholder for one of packages.
I set 6 banners. So they will be rotated in each view.
It working fine.
But I don't know why that auto created banner is also coming sometimes.
The problem is also that auto created banner is being displayed most of the time. (I mean, if I reload a page 10 times, then more than 5 times I see that auto created banner, although I uploaded 6 banners for that placeholder)
Logically when I upload banners for placeholders, so I don't want to display that auto created banner anymore.

You can watch the video I attach.


Now there are two ads purchased by users in one position.
And the Advertise Here link is activated for that package.
See how it looks:
The problem is because you have set the package unit size and you are displaying 2 ads at the same time and the other ad goes over. You should either set the display limit to 1 and that will display one ad ad a time randomly on each page load, or enable the " Rotate Ads Using JavaScript" option.
Or, if you want to display more ads at the same time, add this in EXTRA.css:
.samBannerUnit {height: auto !important;}

That will fix the height issue.
I want to show max 4 banners in two lines.
In each line 2 banners.
like this:
quwna1hyhw2dfvhuzuv.gif quwna1hyhw2dfvhuzuv.gif
quwna1hyhw2dfvhuzuv.gif quwna1hyhw2dfvhuzuv.gif
And rest of banners in that positions be displayed by " Rotate Ads Using JavaScript".
So each time it rotates using JavaScript, 4 banners go and 4 other banners come.
Isn't it possible?
You could try this code instead, to achieve that:
.samBannerUnit {width: 950px !important;  height: auto !important;}
You could try this code instead, to achieve that:
.samBannerUnit {width: 950px !important;  height: auto !important;}
Now I can show 4 banners in two lines with this code.
But two remaining questions:
  • how to set some space (margin) between them? now in each line 2 banners are keep together.
  • how to set rotating 4 banners each time? Now when I enable " Rotate Ads Using JavaScript", then It shows just 1 banner each time until it rotates it. I want to show 4 banners, and when it Rotates Ads Using JavaScript, then these 4 banners go and 4 other banners come.
That it all I need from this part.
What I need is that the "Rotate Ads Using JavaScript" gets the number of the displaying ads from the "Maximum Ads Display" field.
By default, "Rotate Ads Using JavaScript" shows just one banner in each rotate, even if the "Maximum Ads Display" sets to 4.
I want to show X number in each rotate (X = value of "Maximum Ads Display")
To add space try this code below the other one:
.samBannerUnit .SamLink {margin: 2px;}
The JavaScript rotation only works with one banner at a time. The Maximum Ads Display in this case means that x number of ads will rotate.
First off, I think I speak for the majority, your support is outstanding. Thank you.

What about adding text in the banner description?
If text and image are specified the text will be used as "title" and "alt" attribute for the image. If only text is specified the banner will work as text-only banner.
You are welcome.
In my opinion I think it's best to use custom code for banner instead. That way you have complete control on the banner attributes.
Were you able to do the ad position for inside forum node but not in the description? I was using hook "node_forum_level_2_before_lastpost"

Email upon invoice creation?

Extend button available before expiring?

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