Ads Manager by Siropu

Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid] 1.26.9

No permission to buy (€49.99)

I registered myself here - to try your Ads Manager Demo.

I tried setting up a banner ad. I received an email notification that my Ad is approved. So do I need to go and make a real-time payment to see the ad in forums?

I thought it's your demo site to try the Ads Manager :)
You can't make a real payment because the demo site uses fake payment details. The front-end demo is set so that you can see how the buying process works. If you want back-end access, please send me a PM>
Sending you a PM right away!

Meanwhile, how do I see the display of my ad in the front-end that I tried setting up in

Thank you for your prompt reply.
You can only see the ads if you have back-end access. The demo site is for my other Add-ons too, so I don't want users too see ads on it.
Any news about supporting Zarinpal?
(Just let me know with a YES or NO. I know there is no ETA for next version)
[bd] Zarinpal paygate is the only way I (and other Iranian) can use this add-on.
(If you will add it in next version, then I will buy it tonight)
I've implement ZarinPal but I need to test it to see if it works. Ads Manager 1.20.o is almost ready so once is finished, I will set it up on my demo site and hopefully you can help me test the ZarinPal API.
@Siropu - I think you could do this with the Ads Manager. ??
The forum sidebar, viewed within threads... Useful for many things but my focus here is ads. As is the view of widgets (ads, etc) is only effective when threads have one or two replies. Otherwise thread pages are so vertical that viewing content in the sidebar is by luck, reducing active-view-viewable for that sidebar content to a joke. Maybe the user hadn't viewed the thread previously so they are placed at the top of the threads first page, (a view, but likely short lived as they start scrolling) but ongoing they'll likely land down the page vertically at the spot of the first unread post, bypassing any viewable sidebar content that's stuck at the top.

Could page scrolling be adjusted to scroll the threads post content and sidebar content independently? ... or to scroll the sidebar content proportionately (scroll down 50% of the main content and the sidebar scrolls down 50%). I guess the goal I'm spit-balling / suggesting here is to have normal scrolling function for the main post content while retaining view of the sidebar content, throughout the main contents vertical scroll.
I created a package.
Also my user has permission to create package.
  • If I create an ad from ACP, it is possible, and it shows.
  • But when I go to create ad page, then it says there is no package .... (Although I set everything as it must)
Any opinion on how to create ad from front-end will be appreciated.
How do I specify that an ad package only appear on the main page of my forum site?

On the Page Criteria tab, I've tried:
- enabling "Selected navigation tab is" with "forums"
- enabling "Selected navigation tab is" with the full URL path
- enabling "Selected navigation tab is" with the forum subdirectory

None of those work, the first just displays on the main page of all nodes, the latter two just remove the package entirely from view.

Thanks for any help!
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