Ads Manager 2 by Siropu

Ads Manager 2 by Siropu [Paid] 2.4.22

No permission to buy (€49.99)
hello, i have an issue with keyword ads and similar keyword i use to link is interfering quotes to user using the same keyword as username
this is the example
for keyword "expressmoney" is trying to link keyword "expressmoney" in quote
i didn find any solution except remove all threads with quotes for this user or just rename this user
any other ways to fix it?
Hi @Siropu is there any way to avoid cumulative layout shift when using this addon? Every time I reload my forum I can see the page shifting as the ad gets loaded and it's giving me a bad score in page speed testing.

No. Probably it would be the best to add the option in ad settings for easy control.
It would actually be quite useful. It is an otion in the Litespeed Wordpress plugin so you can exclude the images in the header and/or above the fold so you get the lazy load advantages without the brief "flashing" of the images at the top.
I use this app for paid banners, but I also use for other odd things such as posting guidelines for certain subforums (like a for sale section, with guidelines, for example)

I would love to also add it to the error page when someone picks a bad URL within our site. (example of OOPS! We ran into a problem page)

I tried "ERROR" as the template, but it does not work. Is this page available as a template, so I can address it directly for a random rotation of pets telling people that they picked a bad URL? :)

Is this page available as a template, so I can address it directly for a random rotation of pets telling people that they picked a bad URL?
It is available and it is called error you can try adding a custom position in that template and see if it works.
It is available and it is called error you can try adding a custom position in that template and see if it works.

I created a custom position, and I edited the template called 'error' to insert the custom position code.

<xf:macro template="siropu_ads_manager_ad_macros" name="ad_unit" arg-position="pageerror" />

It did not seem to work, but perhaps the old page is cached or something? I'll give it a couple days to see if it starts working.

Thank you
Feature Request:

The "Prevent ads showing in these templates" setting in the main options is great, however I use the header position to put house banners up which I want to be displayed on every page, regardless of the main template in use - meaning I cannot use that feature.

At the moment, I need to add the excluded templates to each individual ads "Content template is NOT:" setting and with over 20 ads running, this is a real pain in the ass every time one changes :( (Can't use inherit from parent as the ad position might be different on each)

It would be great if there was a tick box (or something) in the ad position setting itself which allows it to override the main exclusion setting and always show up.

This would also be useful for people that use ads manager to post other content (such as widgets) in various places around their site.

@Siropu I'm a huge fan of your work and this Add On. I am a customer for life.

Here is my problem and I'm sure there is a simple solution, hopefully.

I have an add location set up and it's working fine.
I have a user group allowed to create (1) ad there and it's working fine.
I created another user group and want to allow them to create 2 ads there instead of one.

How do I accomplish this?

I tried cloning this above package and setting the (2 AD) usergroup to be able to add ads but it doesn't work because instead of integrating with the above package (sharing ad space) it just doubles up the ads in that location and shows 2 ads in the same spot.

@Siropu I'm a huge fan of your work and this Add On. I am a customer for life.

Here is my problem and I'm sure there is a simple solution, hopefully.

I have an add location set up and it's working fine.
I have a user group allowed to create (1) ad there and it's working fine.
I created another user group and want to allow them to create 2 ads there instead of one.

How do I accomplish this?

I tried cloning this above package and setting the (2 AD) usergroup to be able to add ads but it doesn't work because instead of integrating with the above package (sharing ad space) it just doubles up the ads in that location and shows 2 ads in the same spot.

@Siropu any thoughts on this? Thank you.
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