Ads Manager 2 by Siropu

Ads Manager 2 by Siropu [Paid] 2.4.22

No permission to buy (€49.99)
Not working good with UI.X 2 , after I install it I get this:

Less_Exception_Chunk: ParseError: missing closing `}` in anonymous-file-6778.less on line 7645, column 23 
7643| &.userBanner--silver { .m-userBannerVariation(black, silver); } 
7644| &.userBanner--yellow { .m-userBannerVariation(black, #ffff91, #e6e687); } 
7645| &.userBanner--orange { .m-userBannerVariation(black, #ffcb00); } 
7646| } 

Stack trace
#0 src/vendor/oyejorge/less.php/lib/Less/Parser.php(621): Less_Parser->GetRules(NULL)
#1 src/vendor/oyejorge/less.php/lib/Less/Parser.php(449): Less_Parser->_parse()
#2 src/XF/CssRenderer.php(363): Less_Parser->parse('// Note that th...')
#3 src/XF/CssRenderer.php(311): XF\CssRenderer->renderToCss('public:app.less', '@_nav-elTransit...')
#4 src/XF/CssRenderer.php(235): XF\CssRenderer->renderTemplate('public:app.less', NULL)
#5 src/XF/CssRenderer.php(101): XF\CssRenderer->renderTemplates(Array, Array, Array)
#6 src/XF/CssWriter.php(53): XF\CssRenderer->render(Array)
#7 css.php(30): XF\CssWriter->run(Array, 3, 1, 'a5201c3188a4688...')
#8 {main}

Request state
array(4) {
  ["url"] => string(168) "/css.php?css=public%3Anormalize.css%2Cpublic%3Acore.less%2Cpublic%3Aapp.less%2Cpublic%3Afont_awesome.css&s=3&l=1&d=1522843191&k=a5201c3188a4688c9f979015d5a9f9d628d0ecd3"
  ["referrer"] => string(20) "https://xxxxxx/"
  ["_GET"] => array(5) {
    ["css"] => string(77) "public:normalize.css,public:core.less,public:app.less,public:font_awesome.css"
    ["s"] => string(1) "3"
    ["l"] => string(1) "1"
    ["d"] => string(10) "1522843191"
    ["k"] => string(40) "a5201c3188a4688c9f979015d5a9f9d628d0ecd3"
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {

I checked app_user_banners.less and the code it's okay. Possible when I installed Ads Manager , it wrote a wrong css code. Something is not working well with UI.X 2. Can you check this please?
You got it one time or you get it constantly?
Every time that I visit the forum, but now I did something (just installed UI.X 2 like an another style) and the default style (that it's the same) it's working well and I dont get more this error for now. Something very strange happened
With Ads Manager you can place ads after the first unread thread post and conversation message as well. You can also place ads after first, last, random or any post in threads/conversations and profile posts, search results, thread list and more.
Can I keep my existing adsense ads (using the built-in XF advertising positions) and only use this for the one ad I want in the unread post position?
Can I keep my existing adsense ads (using the built-in XF advertising positions) and only use this for the one ad I want in the unread post position?
Yes, but the positions available in the default system are available in Ads Manager as well.

Any fix update? Still can not use long time.
By the end of the week there will be a final release. Please see PM for a quick fix.
In digitalpointads you had the option to show ad on the position the reader is reading.
Is there anyway to do this with this addon because it is a big diffrence with ad revenue.
For responsive Adense ads, what should I do about the size settings? Does "auto" let the ad be responsive? It doesn't seem to allow it to go above 728px but that might just be the ads I'm currently being served.
For responsive Adense ads, what should I do about the size settings? Does "auto" let the ad be responsive? It doesn't seem to allow it to go above 728px but that might just be the ads I'm currently being served.

Don't worry, it's just the ads you get
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