[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO [Paid] 1.2.2b

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I recently upgraded to XenPorta2 1.1.4 and now I'm receiving the below error when trying to Promote topics to a Feature. I've tried multiple images and no success. The Promote to Article works fine though. Anyone else seeing this issue?


@Jaxel On my mobile (landscape looks OK, portrait looks bad), the layout on the article + article categories is bugged on my dual-grid setup:
Screenshot_2015-08-29-14-26-10.webp Screenshot_2015-08-29-14-26-17.webp

Any way to not use the two column layout on mobile phones?
As for the article categories, that looks totally bugged.

I'm using in EXTRA.css:
.sidebar.noFloats { width: auto !important; }
.articlesGrid { margin: 5px -5px -5px; }
.articlesGrid .articleItem { display: inline-block; width: 50%; }
.articlesGrid .articleItem .sectionMain { margin: 5px; }
I wonder if its possible and how to change the Recent thread (Thread_recent) to not show the thread starter and instead show the last poster (both icon and username, or at least username)?

The Recent Threads widget uses the default widget included with XenForo. Just make some template modifications.

I've been poking and prodding at thread_list_item, the template that EWRwidget_Threads refers to, but I've had no luck in re-creating the type of output that sidebar_new_posts provides. I got a little further by modifying thread_list_item_simple but still nowhere near what the vanilla Xenforo recent threads widget looks like.
I tried to movre the Recent video widget from the sidebar to under the article list but it seems that there is no way to do that because it stays in the sidebar. Do you know how I can proceed?
Can someone tell me how to setup a news sitemap with this? I don't see any option, anywhere!
The news rss feed is located at /articles/news

@Jaxel On my mobile (landscape looks OK, portrait looks bad), the layout on the article + article categories is bugged on my dual-grid setup:
View attachment 115529 View attachment 115530

Any way to not use the two column layout on mobile phones?
As for the article categories, that looks totally bugged.

I'm using in EXTRA.css:
.sidebar.noFloats { width: auto !important; }
.articlesGrid { margin: 5px -5px -5px; }
.articlesGrid .articleItem { display: inline-block; width: 50%; }
.articlesGrid .articleItem .sectionMain { margin: 5px; }
Don't use the custom EXTRA.css codes I've given out in the older versions. Since a recent version where I added style properties, you can handle the masonry grids through that. It also handles responsive design.

I've been poking and prodding at thread_list_item, the template that EWRwidget_Threads refers to, but I've had no luck in re-creating the type of output that sidebar_new_posts provides. I got a little further by modifying thread_list_item_simple but still nowhere near what the vanilla Xenforo recent threads widget looks like.
Thread_list_item_simple is quite literally the template that XenForo uses to display it's sidebar widget. So it should look EXACTLY like what the stock XenForo website uses to display its sidebar.

I tried to movre the Recent video widget from the sidebar to under the article list but it seems that there is no way to do that because it stays in the sidebar. Do you know how I can proceed?
Do you have a custom arrangement on your settings? That will always overwrite the global settings.
When trying to upgrade to v1.1.4 i get the following error:

Zend_Filter_Exception: This filter needs the rar extension - library/Zend/Filter/Compress/Rar.php:64

I'm at a loss. As far as i know everything is there when it comes to the filters, yet it says it needs the rar extension.
When trying to upgrade to v1.1.4 i get the following error:

Zend_Filter_Exception: This filter needs the rar extension - library/Zend/Filter/Compress/Rar.php:64

I'm at a loss. As far as i know everything is there when it comes to the filters, yet it says it needs the rar extension.

Sounds like you trying to install it from the .rar file??

Your supposed unzip first then upload the files in upload folder to root then use library/EWRporta2/addon-EWRporta2.xml to install
Don't use the custom EXTRA.css codes I've given out in the older versions. Since a recent version where I added style properties, you can handle the masonry grids through that. It also handles responsive design.

Great, thanks :)

Having some problems with the layout options now though. If I place a widget into the long area bellow article list/forum list, it no longer spans across the entire width of the article list/forum list, as it did before. This also includes my shoutbox, which I've used to have on the bottom of my forum list, but after I removed that scribble in my EXTRA.css it how cut it in half..
Sounds like you trying to install it from the .rar file??

Your supposed unzip first then upload the files in upload folder to root then use library/EWRporta2/addon-EWRporta2.xml to install

Ah. Yeah, i was trying to install it through the rar file directly.

Uploading the extracted files and then upgrading worked like a charm. Thank you :)
@Jaxel is there a way to setup a layout that has absolutely no templates in it already. Just the open boxes for widgets?
If not how can we create one?

Best Regards,
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