[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO [Paid] 1.2.2b

No permission to buy ($40.00)

I'm getting a display error with the recent threads widget. Multiple icons are being displayed in the wrong place. Notice how both the watched and sticky icons are overlapping another icon. I believe they should be near the edit link.

@Jaxel haven't yet bought this addon (I'll do that when I upgrade to Xen 1.5), but does the thread thumbnail / image use the XenForo image proxy (if enabled)? Because XenPorta 1 doesn't and its slightly annoying if the image isn't https as it creates mixed content warnings.
Thanks Jaxel (y)
I also wanted to mention that when using the Recent Threads widget in the main column it's difficult to style because it still uses the sidebar class.
The widgets are designed to look normal with the default XenForo style... unfortunately, sometimes it looks weird in other styles. There really isn't much I can do about that.

@Jaxel haven't yet bought this addon (I'll do that when I upgrade to Xen 1.5), but does the thread thumbnail / image use the XenForo image proxy (if enabled)? Because XenPorta 1 doesn't and its slightly annoying if the image isn't https as it creates mixed content warnings.
In the current version it does not... in the next version, I will try to implement it. That being said, the XenForo image proxy only functions on images embedded using the [IMG] tag; which in XenPorta2 is disabled by default and recommended to remain disabled. Promotion icons from attachments will not use the image proxy as there is no reason for it. Even the default [ATTACH] tag doesn't use the image proxy.
The widgets are designed to look normal with the default XenForo style... unfortunately, sometimes it looks weird in other styles. There really isn't much I can do about that.
The [bd] Widget Framework was able to circumvent that problem by not using the sidebar class for the main column content.
The [bd] Widget Framework was able to circumvent that problem by not using the sidebar class for the main column content.
All blocks are designed to be moved around and still match the existing theme. If you moved the "Members Online Now" block to the "above" or "below" position, it still retains the style of the block. This can not happen without the "sidebar" class. As I said, it is designed to look normal with the default XenForo theme. If you want it to look better for your specific skins, you're going to have to work on that yourself.
Recently bought this addon and so far I'm impressed by the features it provides, but as others stated in reviews and such; the learning curve is massive. I'm trying to figure out so many different things and all help guides available help you with absolutely nothing other than "how to install and drag-n-drop widgets".
I had also searched related threads for anything alongside it.

I am unsure on whether or not support is offered for widgets, since it isn't really the "addon" itself but I feel it should.
Features is a black slider and offers zero configuration files or setup as to how to change it,
I see how to feature articles now, but this still doesn't explain why (at the bottom of my post) all featured posts are turned into some strange re-creation of the homepage, when they should just normally be forum posts.
same goes for quotes, and quotes actually throws an error.
Or how to change it from /articles to something like /home

I feel like I missed a FAQ and I'm being an incompetent customer or something, but I've found nothing and I've really tried googling everything beforehand. I just want the features and quotes widgets to be working before I move onto other widgets.

I also got confused again because I'm unable to enable any settings in xenporta without it clashing and messing with my main forum page, which is not what I want. I just wanted a homepage which it was greatly advertised as, and it fulfills that but for some reason seems to change the complete layout of everything else on the forums. Not quite sure why this is happening unless I misread something again.

Any help is appreciated, thanks.

edit: after watching further videos, it seems I didn't do enough investigation and just assumed this was a homepage addon.
Is it possible to be able to: keep xenporta and its framework specific to its article homepage only, and all forums look normal, but still have the ability to promote them? Or is that a no-go

edit #2: and now I'm wondering how to un-promote threads since a majority of mine are messed up now and a mess since it looks strange/bad on normal forums if it is not the homepage
Alright now I'm getting somewhere, it seems that promoting threads to a feature on the slider do not turn them into an "article" and keep them as-is. This is exactly what I'm looking for.
Now how would I do that exact process, except instead of a "feature" it'd be promoted to the "recent news" widget without turning the thread into an "article"
I'm not sure if that explanation was clear, but I tried my best ;)
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Recently bought this addon and so far I'm impressed by the features it provides, but as others stated in reviews and such; the learning curve is massive. I'm trying to figure out so many different things and all help guides available help you with absolutely nothing other than "how to install and drag-n-drop widgets".
I had also searched related threads for anything alongside it.

I am unsure on whether or not support is offered for widgets, since it isn't really the "addon" itself but I feel it should.
Features is a black slider and offers zero configuration files or setup as to how to change it,
I see how to feature articles now, but this still doesn't explain why (at the bottom of my post) all featured posts are turned into some strange re-creation of the homepage, when they should just normally be forum posts.
same goes for quotes, and quotes actually throws an error.
Or how to change it from /articles to something like /home

I feel like I missed a FAQ and I'm being an incompetent customer or something, but I've found nothing and I've really tried googling everything beforehand. I just want the features and quotes widgets to be working before I move onto other widgets.

I also got confused again because I'm unable to enable any settings in xenporta without it clashing and messing with my main forum page, which is not what I want. I just wanted a homepage which it was greatly advertised as, and it fulfills that but for some reason seems to change the complete layout of everything else on the forums. Not quite sure why this is happening unless I misread something again.

Any help is appreciated, thanks.

edit: after watching further videos, it seems I didn't do enough investigation and just assumed this was a homepage addon.
Is it possible to be able to: keep xenporta and its framework specific to its article homepage only, and all forums look normal, but still have the ability to promote them? Or is that a no-go
You need to be a bit more descriptive with your issues. When you say "turned into some strange re-creation" or "clashing and messing with my main forum page", I don't really know what you mean.

As for changing /articles to /home, that is a BUILT-IN XenForo function called the "Route Changer", you should look into it.

As for using XP2 only as a home page, you can do that very easily... just don't enable the widget framework for any page except the articles list. You really need to watch a few more of the tutorial videos.
You need to be a bit more descriptive with your issues. When you say "turned into some strange re-creation" or "clashing and messing with my main forum page", I don't really know what you mean.

As for changing /articles to /home, that is a BUILT-IN XenForo function called the "Route Changer", you should look into it.

As for using XP2 only as a home page, you can do that very easily... just don't enable the widget framework for any page except the articles list. You really need to watch a few more of the tutorial videos.
Sorry about this, I had made some edits to my original reply and slowly learned that you have the option to not apply the default article theme when promoting a thread. This option fixed almost everything in my reply above, and all that's left is the quote widget error:
ErrorException: Undefined index: - library/EWRporta2/Widget/RandomQuote.php:7

But also (possibly related to the error), where is the option to set quotes? I don't mean to be too dumb if it's infront of me but I cannot find it

EDIT: Scrolled up a couple pages back and found someone with the same issue; you had uploaded an xml file to update it with, and that seemed to fix it.
Looks like we're all good to go here, thanks!
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I ran into an issue with the Recent Threads widget, which is set to Limit of 10. I posted a bunch of threads in an admin-only sub-forum (like 30 of them) and when a non-admin user goes to the home page, they don't see any recent threads...because they don't have the permissions to see the latest 10 that I just posted. They see an empty set, as if no one has posted anything in 7 days. But that's not the case, if the limit only applied to threads they could see, there would be plenty....any way to tweak this?

Similarly if I only post 2 or 3 posts, these count towards the 10 limit even though they aren't viewable = 7 or 8 threads show up in the Recent Threads.
Does anyone know a remedy for the above issue?
Jaxel updated [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO with a new update entry:

Version 1.1.2 CHANGELOG

This update prepares XenPorta2 for the upcoming release of XenForo 1.5. XF1.5 will be including a new thread-tagging system; and unfortunately this thread-tagging system is incompatible with the current version of XP2. So this new version has renamed and changed a lot of functions to make the two systems compatible. There are javascript changes in this update as well.

The XP2 "Tags" system has been renamed to "Sub-Categories". This is actually what they've always been; but this change will...

Read the rest of this update entry...
@Jaxel - Thank you for the latest update. I'm bit confused here. If the XP2 tags system has been renamed to sub-categories, I'm wondering whether the XP2 will still use the XenForo tags system.

That is, I'm planning to use the tagging system as 'keywords' for our news articles. I'd therefore need to make a choice between using the correct tagging system.
@Jaxel - Thank you for the latest update. I'm bit confused here. If the XP2 tags system has been renamed to sub-categories, I'm wondering whether the XP2 will still use the XenForo tags system.

That is, I'm planning to use the tagging system as 'keywords' for our news articles. I'd therefore need to make a choice between using the correct tagging system.
XP2 already has two tagging systems:
  • Categories - major tags
  • Sub-Categories - minor tags
XP2 categories help sort ARTICLES amongst each other. Using the XP2 tagging system, you can view articles only belonging to a single category. XF1.5 will add a third tagging system. XF tags help sort THREADS amongst each other.

What I plan on doing is the following:
  • XP2 Categories - major tags. For instance, if I want to sort my articles by "Tournaments", I could tag the articles with it and then users could view articles belonging to that specific category. These tags will only be settable by moderators.
  • XP2 Sub-categories - minor tags. Using the previous example with tournaments. What if I wanted to categorize article with "EVO Circuit". This way users could view articles belonging only to tournaments which are part of the EVO Circuit. Again, settable only by moderators.
  • XF1.5 Tags - regular tags. When we were using vBulletin, my users loved tagging threads with pointless, and inside-baseball tags. Things like "john-cena-cant-see-this-thread". These will be tags settable by all users.
This breaks badly when using @Jon W's installer. I had to disable listeners, try to run the uninstaller (which broke), and reinstall manually.

Just a heads up.
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