[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO [Paid] 1.2.2b

No permission to buy ($40.00)
Everything has a ViewPublic. Its created automatically.
Ok I have found the correct information I think.....lol

return $this->responseView('XenKingDir_ViewPublic_Directory_Index', 'sfdirectory_index', $viewParams);

ViewPublic Extensions: XenKingDir_ViewPublic_Directory_Index
Layout template used: sfdirectory_index
Addon Used: https://xenforo.com/community/resou...ingdir-link-business-directory-directory.134/

When applying theses settings to xenporta2 I am still unable to have the widgets appear on the page.

Any Ideas?

Does anyone know if you need XenMedio Pro for the widgets to work? When trying to install the widgets I get an error that says XenMedio is out of date. I have 1.5.3a installed.

Specific widgets need XenMedio.

Except it would seem half the function of the addon is not working with my Installation.

Currently waiting on a reply back about my missing Thread Tools section as I can't turn anything into an article.
Again, you're being vague. What functions are missing? Did you setup permissions? Did you check with the default skins?

Is it possible to have the slider image resize to fit mobile devices, rather than crop the image as the demo shows?

Would also be nice to see a list of demo sites in the FAQ, if people don't mind.
The default included slider is what it is. You can make your own if you wish though... its why its a Widget FRAMEWORK.
OK I've sussed it out :)

One question I have is if anyone knows the template for the page that lists all the posts by an Author.
Mine seems to be picking up the default articles layout.

e.g.: http://thedarklight.eu/articles/vapus.1/author
Thats waht it does... uses the default articles layout.

@ Jaxel: The blocks are slightly overlapping the forum index. -->
http://www.citiesskylines-nation.com/forums/ Check bottom/top block sections. How can I fix this?
Seems like a skin issue, as its happening

Ok I have found the correct information I think.....lol

return $this->responseView('XenKingDir_ViewPublic_Directory_Index', 'sfdirectory_index', $viewParams);

ViewPublic Extensions: XenKingDir_ViewPublic_Directory_Index
Layout template used: sfdirectory_index
Addon Used: https://xenforo.com/community/resou...ingdir-link-business-directory-directory.134/

When applying theses settings to xenporta2 I am still unable to have the widgets appear on the page.

Any Ideas?

Because you also need to add hooks for the template. Create a template modification for 'sfdirectory_index':
Regular Expression Replacement:
<xen:include template="EWRporta2_Global_Above" />


<xen:include template="EWRporta2_Global_Below" />
<xen:include template="EWRporta2_Global_Side" />

I was trying to install the widgets MedioCloud and MedioRecent - do these need the pro version?

Is there a way to promote a resource to a feature on the slider? I'd like to use the slider to showcase some of the great resource entries we've got.
Awesome addon, love it. Would it be possible to implement some sort of image modal popup onclick?

Edit: Hosting external if that makes a difference...
You didn't answer the question.

How do you set up this portal in the root directory of www.mysitehere.com if your forums are located at www.mysitehere.com/forums?

It's kinda like Portal 101 - the first feature you would implement for a web site portal. Exactly how it is set up in the demo site http://8wayrun.com/? How do we enable this?

Also see my post at page #48
XenForo is installed at the ROOT... The portal runs on XenForo.

Ok so maybe I am just ignorant and missing something. On your site if I navigate to the root at www.8WAYRUN.com, I am taken to the portal.

If I click on the tab for forums, or navigate directly to www.8WAYRUN.com/forums/, I am taken to xenForo. How is it that xenForo is installed at the ROOT, when I am directed to a subdirectory for the forums? I'm not gonna call bulls^$t at this point, but I want to hear about it.

Like I said, I just want to do what is on the example site. If I install xenForo in the root, it isn't going to be located at www.mysite.com/forums/ unless you are capable of some pretty amazing Jedi mind tricks.
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