[8WR] XenMedio (Media) PRO

[8WR] XenMedio (Media) PRO [Paid] 1.7.0

No permission to buy ($40.00)
I've just paid for the ProVersion and installed, But still having the same issue when adding videos from YouTube with quotation marks or & it displays this " and & in the thread titles when creating a topic.

Any ideas how I could fix this thank you

Also, I paid for a branding removal license for the free version, do I need to pay that again for the Pro version @Jaxel ?
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I've just paid for the ProVersion and installed, But still having the same issue when adding videos from YouTube with quotation marks or & it displays this " and & in the thread titles when creating a topic.
I'll fix this for the next version... though its actually by design.

Also, I paid for a branding removal license for the free version, do I need to pay that again for the Pro version @Jaxel ?
I'll fix this for the next version... though its actually by design.


Sounds great thank you.

Also would it be possible to restrict certain categories when new videos are added from showing up in the Media Recent block. Like have the option to select certain categories that will have videos show up in the Media Recent block.

I could pay for this feature if its possible @Jaxel
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I've an issue with youtube videos (it seems to work with others services) , i've tried many videos :

Server Error
Unable to Connect to tcp://gdata.youtube.com:80. Error #110: Connection timed out

  1. Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket->connect() in Zend/Http/Client.php at line 973
  2. Zend_Http_Client->request() in EWRmedio/Services/YouTube.php at line 8
  3. EWRmedio_Services_YouTube::dumpMedia() in EWRmedio/Model/Submit.php at line 29
  4. EWRmedio_Model_Submit->fetchFeedInfo() in EWRmedio/ControllerPublic/Media.php at line 244
  5. EWRmedio_ControllerPublic_Media->actionSubmit() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 337
  6. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  7. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/www-fofo/www/index.php at line 13
Can`t create media for Youtube video without description in medio
such as this:

To view this content we will need your consent to set third party cookies.
For more detailed information, see our cookies page.

same problem here ... so far the developer of this addon is not helping much.

It is related to the WYSIWYG editor not showing .. and the developer says it is XenForo's issue ... even though the editor is working everywhere else in the forum except in his addon!

I am totally not satisfied with the level of support we are getting for a $40 addon!
It is related to the WYSIWYG editor not showing ..

Is this the known Firefox problem with XF 1.1?
You need to upgrade to XF 1.2 to solve it. Or use another browser like Google Chrome. ;-)

The add-on developer can't do anything about it. It is not fair to blame him.
Is this the known Firefox problem with XF 1.1?
You need to upgrade to XF 1.2 to solve it. Or use another browser like Google Chrome. ;-)

The add-on developer can't do anything about it. It is not fair to blame him.

Nope. This is occuring with Xenforo 1.2 + All browsers known to mankind including The Google Chrome!
I have upgraded to the PRO version and have a couple of issues...

1) The link from the recent media sidebar block no longer takes you straight to the video, but to the media home page. (is this related to the .htaccess note on the add on page?)
2) The alignment of the video data (e.g. #plays, source) is all uneven/misaligned from video to video.. On the free version this information was nicely aligned as an overlay on the video thumbnail, now it is outside the video and misaligned)... http://arsenaltalk.net/media/ Its the same on firefox, chrome and IE

3) There is a strange red strip shown in the pic below - is this a clash with the nodes as tabs add on?


Help :confused:
Points 2 & 3 in the above post have been fixed... when upgrading to the PRO version I needed to merge the changes in the xenmedio.css template.
The .htaccess fix seems not to work for me for issue 1.

Also, is the display in Chrome 'fixable'. It looks really bad in the recent media sidebar block...

I had to unistall this and no cannot reinstall - keep getting an server disconnect error whilst updating... my internet connection is fine as everything else is working. Is there something written into this add on that stops a reinstall?

Also is there any support for this add on?
I also had to deal with such a problem. In my case, the provider limits the load on the server. I asked him to temporarily turn off the balance beam and installed the plugin
I agree with you - blogs do not have an import-export. This is a very strong disadvantage, as I think.
The blog is just uploading blogs, but no downloading. I hope the author will do it.
Could anyone advise on the chrome alignment issue - there must be some custom css to fix this?
I have been investigating the Chrome bug for and found nothing for xenforo to fix it, but I did find a conversation regarding ning.
They said to use this css to fix it:

div.xg_module.module_members ul.clist {margin:0}

Obviously that relates to ning, but could something similar be used relating to this add on?

I am quite sure the owner of this add on won't reply - never does - but maybe a CSS expert knows a solution?
I have spent some time on this and seem to have fixed the chrome display issue with this add on - actually a very simple css option.

I have replaced the .mediasmall options in the EWRmedio.css template with this

.mediaSmall ul { text-align: center; }
.mediaSmall li {display: inline-block; vertical-align:top; width: 43%; }
.mediaSmall li .mediaContent { margin: 0px 3px 0px 0px; }
.mediaSmall li .mediaContent .title {height: 24px; font-size:10px; vertical-align:top; overflow: hidden; }
.mediaSmall li .mediaContent .image {position:relative; z-index:1; margin-top:8px;}
.mediaSmall li .mediaContent .image img { width: 100%; }
.mediaSmall li .mediaContent .image:hover
    z-index: 2;
    -moz-transform:        scale(1.5);
    -webkit-transform:    scale(1.5);
    -o-transform:        scale(1.5);
    -moz-transition:    all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s;
    -o-transition:        all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s;
    -webkit-transition:    all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s;

The vertical-align-top; command seems to fix it - the rest you can play around with. I have only tested this in IE (latest version), Chrome and Firefox. All fine.

I am surprised the issue was just passed of as a chrome bug. I have zero experience with css but was able to fix my issue in 30 minutes.

from this:


to this:

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At the moment my links from videos in the recent media sidebar links to the media home page - not the specific video... is that how it is coded?

If so, how can we change this? If not, what could the error be?

NOTE: I completely uninstalled the old version and installed as new with no content so I am assuming the requirement for the .htaccess change when upgrading is not the issue.
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