
  1. Danloona

    XF 2.2 Recommended robots.txt

    Hello, I've wanted ask, what nowadays is recommended to setup robots.txt for XF2.2 installation. Any recommendations are very appreciated, thanks!
  2. mazzly

    Thread Titles Manager 1.0.1 Patch Level 2

    Thread Titles Manager is a tool designed to help an admin to discover and fix organic traffic leaks. 1. Duplicated Thread Titles Chances are high that those threads are not in SERP and bring no organic traffic. Such threads can be merged (with leaving a redirect) if a title is strong, or their...
  3. Baby Community

    Is Portal Better For Seo Or Is It Better To Combine The Community With A Separate Wordpress Style Site?

    Is Portal Better For Seo Or Is It Better To Combine The Community With A Separate Wordpress Style Site? The problem is that I can't trust any software other than xenforo. I lost 9 wordpress sites, they were hacked. I also lost 3 communities and 1 toplist site. I don't trust any software other...
  4. bzcomputers

    Not a bug Description missing from the head section of the main Resources page

    Main resources page missing: 1) name="description" 2) property="og:description" 3) property="twitter:description" Edit: also missing from Resources/latest-reviews, and resource history pages
  5. Nulumia

    Add-on A Look At The Upcoming Public Release of SEO & Index Tools

    I'd like to offer an in depth look at the upcoming public launch of SEO & Index tools, an extremely powerful addon which has been in development for over a year. One important disclaimer: Author's Note I have been working in the SEO space for over 10 years, with much experience in contractual...
  6. eva2000

    Using Signed Exchanges to improve LCP Core Web Vital Page Experience metrics

    A good alternative to AMP for improving LCP (via improving TTFB) Core Web Vital metrics is Signed Exchanges. Cloudflare released its Automatic Signed Exchanges beta a while back during Speed Week 2021. I wrote up a guide including page speed tests for SXGs on my blog at...
  7. C6ckneyGeezer

    View thread content permissions & Google

    Hi Guys! If I set "View thread content" of unregistered users to "no" will this also stop Google listing the content? Cheers, Adam
  8. Ridde753

    Seo optimize Forum

    Hi i need help,how can i optimize my forum to 100%? llike this my forum link <snip>
  9. M

    Not planned Better Seo Sitemap

    Hi there, I have noted something on the sitemaps. First of all Xenforo use the file sitemap.php to generate the sitemap. Often is that is given to the crawlers and also to Google, but IMHO I think that is not a great idea because Google have to convert the file, to generate the right xml...
  10. M

    Not planned Better SEO for Threads

    Hi there, I have noted that the Tags hx on the threads seems not be fully optimized. This create confusion for the search engines to index better the contents. Here an example. In this case about a thread token here for test, this one:
  11. biafraland

    XF 2.2 Stop Changing Permalink on Thread Title Change

    Hello, I noticed that when using the "friendly URLs" option, changing the thread title also changes the URL irrespective of how long the thread has been posted. Is there any tweak to modify this behavior? Constantly changing the permalink (for search-engine-indexed posts) without...
  12. BT10

    Unmaintained [XF2SEO] XenForo SEO 2021-12-11

    It's time to improve on-page SEO and increase traffic for your XenForo forum. Our SEO add-on makes it really easy, even for an average joe. Custom Meta Tags Add custom meta title and description tags to any thread and forum nodes. Robots Index Control Add noindex meta tag to any XenForo...
  13. Mr. Jinx

    Optimized themes (SEO / PageSpeed)

    I was wondering if there currently is any theme that is better and faster than XF's default theme? For example, I like the UI.X 2 theme from ThemeHouse, but it feels slower or more bloated than XF's default theme. It also does not give a good score with PageSpeed. So are there any really...
  14. BT10

    Fixed Fix Q&A Schema Answers Counter

    So I recently notice that the Q&A Schema of XenForo is a bit different from the Q&A Schema from sites like StackOverflow. Here's what I mean: StackOverflow's question thread: This thread has a total of 16...
  15. MapleOne

    Priide needs a developer

    Hello everyone, My name is Frank and I have launched a preview website at to show everyone my concept and idea. The website is a temporary blogger site to showcase what I have in mind. I was not able to post in your other forums so I am posting this here and a moderator can move the...
  16. mazzly

    AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2 2.3.0

    AMPXF makes your forum serve AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) that are super fast to load and usually favored in search results by the search engines. This will give you an edge when competing for SEO keywords and likely bring your forum more organic traffic. * source: Does AMP improve Rankings...
  17. JoyFreak

    [JoyFreak] Change forum_list title and H1 only

    Head over to your Admin CP > Setup > Options > Basic Options > Change your board title to the name of your forum only. For example, JoyFreak is my board name. This will be used consistently throughout the forums and you want to keep the consistency of your forum name throughout all pages. If the...
  18. S

    XF 2.1 SEO issue with forum's titles

    Hi there, There's an issue related to SEO that I would like to fix, but I have not found a way, nor an addon for this. I would like to have, for example, the forum title to be: Speakers for recording, mixing, and mastering (the h1 tag and the title tag) but on the Forum List, the title...
  19. adamgreenough

    Use semantic paragraph <p> tags in post content instead of line breaks <br> (Accessibility, Semantics, Bug Fixing, Styling, SEO?)

    I've commented about this before but have been recommended to start a suggestions thread! Currently, the Froala editor uses paragraph <p> tags for a hard return and line breaks <br> for soft return if you inspect the HTML while editing. This is how things should work and do in almost all...
  20. B

    Implemented Question thread meta description CTR seo

    Hi it will be nice to improve the click through rate on search engine to set meta description of question thread with the "best answer" post (when there is one). so in search engine we will have the question as title (link) and best answer as meta description it will improve ctr.
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