
  1. AjayJunkies

    Have you found success using forum tags?

    Forum tags are an option now that you can use on Xenforo which enables members to add tags to their threads which in turn, can help SEO. Do you have tags enabled on your forum? Have you noticed any success using tags on your forum? Has it helped with SEO?
  2. Veer

    [XenCustomize] Enhanced Tagging 1.0.0

    This add-on brings several enhancements to the XenForo content tagging system. It’s tailored for admins who want to organize tags effectively, display them prominently, optimize tags for search engines, and improve tag presentation on social media pages. With XenCustomize Enhanced Tagging, you...
  3. P

    Add engine index criteria based on prefixes

    It would be great if, along with the others criteria for indexing a node's threads in Google, it could be done depending on whether or not a prefix has been chosen.
  4. justin kane

    XF 2.2 After enabling Friendly URL's Thread/Discussion Preview on hover no longer working

    This is after we were able to get Friendly URL's working from this post: Since then we have noticed the "hover" preview does not work. Here is a screen shot without friendly URL's turned on: Here is WITH friendly URL's...
  5. Mr Lucky

    Article or Discussion for different types of content and SEO?

    I hadn't given this much thought before but I'm about to publish a couple of specialist glossaries and haven't decided yet whether I want to allow replies/commenting. If so I know they will probably go all over the place in regard to focus so could potentially be detrimental to SEO. Or maybe...
  6. nocte

    SEO: Should we remove the board title at the end of the "title" meta tag?

    This is from the PAGE_CONTAINER template: <title><xf:title formatter="%s | %s" fallback="{$xf.options.boardTitle}" page="{$pageNumber}" /></title> As a result the board title (as defined in the admin options) is displayed at the end of the meta-title, so e.g. This is a thread title |...
  7. Stuart Wright

    Duplicate Implement new structured data markup for discussion forum and profile pages for use in Google Search

    Please see this page from Google where they lay out how to implement structured data markup in order to let Google know about discussion forum and profile pages. This is newly published as of November 27, 2023, is...
  8. A

    Question about changing the language and domain on the forum.

    I'm thinking very hard about changing the language of the forum and domain, but I don't know how it will look like with posts in the native language. English will be the main language and old threads would be moved, for example, to the archive category. What does SEO look like after such...
  9. mazzly

    Limit Slug (URL) Length 1.0.0

    This add-on creates a new setting under Basic Options called Limit Slug Length: It simply does what it says, shortens the "text"-part (also known as a slug) to be withing the defined number of characters.. Note: It also shortens slugs in the admin, but this will be fine as all things are...
  10. Leeroy Brown

    Marking forums thread titles, posts as rel="ugc"

    We recently completed an SEO analysis, as our site traffic took a big hit with the September 2022 Google update. One of the recommendations was to mark all the thread titles and posts with rel="ugc", to designate them as user-generated content. Have others done this? If so, how did you...
  11. ArtG

    SEO - what's up with Google?

    Here is my latest Search Counsel report from Google. I know my site is still new but why the huge disparity between the crawled not indexed and the indexed? Any way to close the gap that has worked for you?
  12. ArtG

    Better SEO - post in Resources or Articles Forum?

    Question for the SEO-savvy. I'm getting asked what's better for the forum's SEO? Post an article in the Resources section or as an Article in the forums section? Any difference you can think of?
  13. bzcomputers

    Lack of interest Improve SEO when using notices by applying data-nosnippit to notice content

    Notices are often used to show content unrelated to the page they appear on. Notices are also often duplicated across multiple pages. As Xenforo sits currently, search engines may use the notice content as the "snippit", the search engines' description for the page, which is shown to all search...
  14. mazzly

    Thread Tagging Improvements 1.0.8 Patch Level 1

    This add-on greatly improves the utility of the Xenforo tagging system for threads. Features: [ACP] Potential tags list: Easily find what tags should exist on your forum. Admin page that shows the most common words (also multiple words) that could be likely tag candidates Auto-suggesting...
  15. Kruzya

    Fixed Controller XF:Tag may return 200 if tagged content doesn't exists

    As written in title. If user can't see any tagged content, controller continue returns 200, but with text No results found. For example, in internal node for staff I have single thread with tag "punishments": If i try view this page as guest, I receive 200 status, but without results: You...
  16. JoyFreak - Admin & Webmaster Community

    Blog Forums About us AdminIntel is an internet marketing community and home to a group of administrators and webmasters. It offers a marketplace for websites, domain names, hiring freelancers, advertising freelance services and more...
  17. Old Nick

    [Xen-Soluce] SEO Optimization - FRENCH translation [Deleted]

    Nicolas FR submitted a new resource: [Xen-Soluce] SEO Optimization - FRENCH translation - A french translation of the SEO Optimization add-on from Xen-Soluce Read more about this resource...
  18. henriksan

    XF 2.2 How to add "noindex" on links in widgets?

    The links in some widgets (Latest Post...) have the "/post-" included in the url. So Google can index the same page twice. I have seen threads on my site been indexed 2-3 times by Google. For example: site.x/abc/thread.15300/ site.x/abc/thread.15300/latest site.x/abc/thread.15300/post-154670...
  19. Old Nick

    [OzzModz] SEO & Index Tools - FRENCH translation [Deleted]

    nicodak submitted a new resource: [OzzModz] SEO & Index Tools - FRENCH translation - A french translation of the SEO & Index Tools add-on from Ozzy47 Read more about this resource...
  20. AdminJunkies - Promotion & SEO Forums

    AdminJunkies - Promotion & SEO Forums

    AdminJunkies is a webmaster community.
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