Duplicate Implement new structured data markup for discussion forum and profile pages for use in Google Search

Stuart Wright

Well-known member
Please see this page
from Google where they lay out how to implement structured data markup in order to let Google know about discussion forum and profile pages.
This is newly published as of November 27, 2023, is highly recommended and most likely easily implementable for Xenforo 2.3.

Please, please implement this to get maximum success with Google ASAP.
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Please see this page
from Google where they lay out how to implement structured data markup in order to let Google know about discussion forum and profile pages.
This is newly published as of November 27, 2023, is highly recommended and most likely easily implementable for Xenforo 2.3.

Please, please implement this to get maximum success with Google ASAP.

Not really ASAP IMO. The basic idea is that Google wants all the Internet to be fast, easy, and cheap for them to index.
That's what it boils down to.

As far as I could tell, they have no problems indexing forums, including the XenForo-based ones. They're just trying to save a few bucks (and promising us better rankings if we play nice LOL).

The forum-structured-data is a nice to have. Probably a very nice to have. But I wouldn't file it under ASAP updates.

Not really ASAP IMO. The basic idea is that Google wants all the Internet to be fast, easy, and cheap for them to index.
That's what it boils down to.

As far as I could tell, they have no problems indexing forums, including the XenForo-based ones. They're just trying to save a few bucks (and promising us better rankings if we play nice LOL).

The forum-structured-data is a nice to have. Probably a very nice to have. But I wouldn't file it under ASAP updates.

Well since 2.3 is imminent, my 'ASAP' means 'in 2.3'. Since if it's not in 2.3, it may be a while.
And we will all rank the importance of complying with what Google wants differently, but personally, if Google is giving us some grease to ease the addition of our data in a competitive world (not just between forums but forums vs other platforms) then I think we should apply it to give ourselves the very best chance of getting more traffic.

Also, currently our robots.txt includes
Disallow: /members/
and given the above, I think maybe that's going to need a rethink.
This will be included in 2.2.14 (and of course 2.3.0) and there is another thread where we've been tracking this.

We've already added some improvements in 2.2.13 and the discussion continues here:
We need this shipped as a patch for 2.2.13. Other platforms already added this schema and we're losing out on Google exposure for our forums. Google is finally showing us some respect and we can't wait a few weeks for 2.2.14 to be released.

@BikeGremlin there is a lot of optional schema out there, but these new ones by Google directly relate to SERP features our forums can win and take advantage of. Every day we don't have this schema, we're behind and losing out.
This is very alarmist. We will do what we can, but your site isn't going to be wiped off the face of the search engines just because you don't have this, and if it was implemented yesterday, it's not going to make that much of a difference in the long run.

Calm down, take a deep breath, and we'll get it to you as soon as we possibly can.
This is very alarmist. We will do what we can, but your site isn't going to be wiped off the face of the search engines just because you don't have this, and if it was implemented yesterday, it's not going to make that much of a difference in the long run.

Calm down, take a deep breath, and we'll get it to you as soon as we possibly can.
Haha Chris, I feel you, but also, this is my job as a customer :p to make sure you understand this is important and I've been a professional SEO for 20 years. I know what I'm talking about ;)
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