structured data

  1. Mr Lucky

    Article or Discussion for different types of content and SEO?

    I hadn't given this much thought before but I'm about to publish a couple of specialist glossaries and haven't decided yet whether I want to allow replies/commenting. If so I know they will probably go all over the place in regard to focus so could potentially be detrimental to SEO. Or maybe...
  2. J

    XF 2.2 Discussion forum (DiscussionForumPosting) structured data

    Hi Team, Google recently launches Discussion forum (DiscussionForumPosting) structured data and we would like to implement this on our xenforo forum section. Can you please help me how to implement this? Is...
  3. Stuart Wright

    Duplicate Implement new structured data markup for discussion forum and profile pages for use in Google Search

    Please see this page from Google where they lay out how to implement structured data markup in order to let Google know about discussion forum and profile pages. This is newly published as of November 27, 2023, is...
  4. leonhardtmm

    XF 2.1 Structure of a page with Topics listed

    Does anyone know how it is possible to structure a page similar like this: I would like to list all the topics on one page. When the user clicks on a topic (see Screenshot) he sees what has been going on regarding that topic on a page like this...
  5. maxicep

    XF 2.1 Structured Data missing the publisher tag so gives error

    Xenforo 2.1 default DiscussionForumPosting markup gives Error on google structured data test tool. So, it doesn't pass the test. Errors are; publisher A value for the publisher field is required. mainEntityOfPage The mainEntityOfPage field is recommended. Please provide a value if...
  6. Fred.

    Lack of interest Structured Data for Rich Cards

    I saw this in Google Webmaster tools. We did not find any structured data for rich cards on your website. Rich cards are a good way of providing data to Google Search about events, products or opportunities on your website. Rich card data can be displayed to users in a variety of formats on...
  7. V

    Google Structured data for Xenforo

    In the PAGE_CONTAINER Template , The following script for google structured data is there <xen:if is="{$isIndexPage} AND {$canSearch}"> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "WebSite", "url": "{xen:jsescape {xen:link canonical:index}}"...
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