Thread Tagging Improvements

Thread Tagging Improvements 1.0.8 Patch Level 1

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Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.2
  2. 2.3
This add-on greatly improves the utility of the Xenforo tagging system for threads.

  • [ACP] Potential tags list: Easily find what tags should exist on your forum.
    • Admin page that shows the most common words (also multiple words) that could be likely tag candidates
      Screenshot from 2023-01-03 15-59-20.png
  • Auto-suggesting tags when posting a thread (From the thread title)
    • This feature increases the likelihood that tags are used by your forum members
      Screenshot from 2023-01-03 16-03-20.png
  • Synonyms for tags
    • This makes the auto-tagging and suggestion features even more powerful, as a synonym word for a tag will also automatically suggest the correct tag
      Screenshot from 2022-12-12 07-48-50.png
  • Loner tags
    • Allows a tag to not be tagged alongside longer similar tags
      Screenshot from 2023-01-03 15-59-40.png
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 6 ratings

More resources from mazzly

Latest updates

  1. Fix JS autotagging to work

    Fixes for the JS that handles auto-tagging while creating a new thread: Don't rely on jQuery...
  2. Release 1.0.8 with XF2.3 compatibility

    Note: Can only be installed on XF2.3, not compatible with 2.2 New version with 2 fixes...
  3. Silently ignore Job-run SQL errors (unless option enabled) and fix paths

    Correctly escape the SQL for thread tag lookups If an SQL error occurs during Rebuild Job, log...

Latest reviews

This plugin really has a positive impact on SEO. The developer's error resolution speed is also quite good.
Fantastic! I found it extremely helpful getting all the right tags to the all the right posts. Thanks so much for all your hard work making this great tool.
Superb plugin. I'm using this to generate, cleanup and organize my tags. Then I'm using Xon's Keyword linking plugin, which generates keyword linking using the tags. Then I'm changing those keywords links to point at my best page for each tag keyword, excellent way to automate internal linking for SEO.
Excellent complement, it allows me to be able to locate and group the labels in their corresponding threads/post and many configurable options. And also FREE!! Very grateful and happy ;)
This addon has been an absolute life saver! Essentially collects all of the words used in thread titles, and compiles them into an organized list of the most popular words. This allows me or my mods to get an incredibly useful overview of the most commonly used words, which then can be used to categorize and tag threads more effectively, or come up with new tags to incorporate.
Great addon, it really helps track down similar tags and allow you to add them. This is a great addon to go back and tag threads that might have been missing tags.
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