
  1. X

    Cache Permission Checks 1.6.0

    Vastly increases the speed for rebuilding permissions when large numbers of user-groups and nodes exists. Precomputed permissions are fetched from redis and not MySQL, reducing data required from MySQL and removing a number of joins. This can also fully-remove XenForo needing to repeatedly...
  2. Cupara

    Do I need to configure more options in config.php for Redis?

    I finally got around to installing Apache to my server then installing Redis and phpredis as well as php-fpm. Right now, my main site I get this error: Right now only my main site has the above error, my dev site is loading fine. I added the code from
  3. developr

    XF 2.1 Can't logout because deprecated function Redis::delete()

    Dear Community, I get this error when I try to logout. ErrorException: [E_DEPRECATED] Function Redis::delete() is deprecated in src/vendor/doctrine/cache/lib/Doctrine/Common/Cache/RedisCache.php at line 135 XF::handlePhpError() in...
  4. developr

    Redis Configuration in XF2

    Dear Community, I configured Redis Cache in config.php but it seems that Redis doesn't work out of the box with XF2. $config['cache']['enabled'] = true; $config['cache']['provider'] = 'Redis'; $config['cache']['config'] = [ 'directory' => '/var/htdocs/internal_data/cache', 'server' =>...
  5. X

    Unmaintained User Activity by Xon 1.6.7

    Displays user activity in various places. Displays user activity below content, supported content:; Threads Forum Conversations Reports NixFifty's Tickets NixFifty's Calendar Displays user activity counts inline with title, supported content: Thread List Sticky Thread List Index Page Forums...
  6. X

    User Activity by Xon 2.13.5

    Displays user activity below content. Supported content: Threads Conversations Reports NixFifty's Tickets NixFifty's Calendar It is recommended (but not required) that Redis Cache add-on be installed and configured as the cache provider. Caching context support Use the key userActivity with...
  7. X

    Redis Flood Check 2.2.0

    Moves flood checking use Redis-based atomic keys rather than scratch tables in MySQL Contributing features or bug fixes Please create a GitHub Pull request via the "More Information" link. Contributions If you appreciate this add-on, please consider a contribution via PayPal. Details will be...
  8. X

    Redis View Counters 2.4.1

    Moves some view counters to use Redis-based increment counters rather than scratch tables in MySQL. Redis provides atomic get & del when pushing view counts totals into the database. Supported types Attachments Threads Pages Article Management System's articles XenForo Resource Manager's...
  9. X

    Redis Cache By Xon 2.18.0

    This add-on uses Credis with a custom cache provider for Redis. For best performance, install the php extension: phpredis You must have a Redis instance installed, this is likely not possible with shared hosting While XenForo 2 has a redis connector, it requires phpredis. This add-on does not...
  10. X

    Unmaintained Redis Flood Check 1.0.2

    Moves flood checking use Redis-based atomic keys rather than scratch tables in MySQL If Session Cache, is installed and configured; automatically uses that over the standard XenForo Cache. Installation I recommend using Add-on install & upgrade to install this add-on. Contributing features...
  11. H

    Redis Optimization / Tuning ?

    Hello. I use redis 3.2.6 as cache (with add on). Redis randomly throws "Redis server went away" error. Although when i checked process list, i still see redis server is running. /usr/local/bin/redis-server I think maybe redis crashed / restarted because of high load / high...
  12. vlom31

    Please Help! SQL + Caching optimization

    Hi all, I am implementing a live feed on my xenforo homepage, meaning that it shows a list of recent posts, updated in real time, resulting in some heavy sql query(ies) every 1 second.. I am just testing it myself right now, so 1 user, and it's already putting the CPU under pressure, the way...
  13. DragonByte Tech

    [DBTech] DragonByte Optimise 3.4.2

    DragonByte Optimise is a professional optimisation mod, aimed at reducing the load on your MySQL database server by caching various query results in one of the multiple cacher types available. Uses DragonByte Optimise is the ideal product for forums that wish to further leverage the existing...
  14. F

    PHP7 - Best Wordpress Cache?

    I recently switched over to centOS 7 (NGINX, MariaDB, PHP7). Previously, on centOS 6 the combination of WP Super Cache and xCache was lightning fast. I am now using a Redis Object Cache plugin and the default PHP7 Opcache is also enabled. This combination isn't providing the ultra fast speeds...
  15. M

    Custom Authentication with XenForo?

    I am using symfony2 as my main application, the session is stored inside redis. I am wondering how simple is it to roll my own authentication strategy? Would I be able to pull in the session from redis fairly easy and tell XenForo to return true? Can anyone provide some examples, insights, or...
  16. X

    Unmaintained Redis View Counters 1.1.3

    Moves some view counters to use Redis-based increment counters rather than scratch tables in MySQL. Redis provides atomic get & del when pushing view counts totals into the database. Note; Currently only handles thread or attachment views. There is an effective limit of ~100000 threads that...
  17. X

    Unmaintained Zend Redis Cache 1.6.0

    This add-on packages Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis and Credis with a little glue-code to provide a Zend Cache for Redis. For best performance, install the php extension: phpredis Troubleshooting Please be aware that Redis is very sensitive to latency in a virtual environment. If repeated connection...
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