User Activity by Xon

Unmaintained User Activity by Xon 1.6.7

No permission to download
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.3
  2. 1.4
  3. 1.5
Additional requirements
php 5.6+
Recommended: Redis Cache add-on
Recommended: Redis (v3.0.0 or better)
MIT Licence
Visible branding
Displays user activity in various places.

Displays user activity below content, supported content:;
Displays user activity counts inline with title, supported content:
  • Thread List
  • Sticky Thread List
  • Index Page Forums
  • Forum List
  • Elastic Search Essential's Similar Threads (in thread)
  • Sub forum List
  • Find New Threads
  • Watched Forum List
  • Watched Thread List
  • Conversation List

It is recommended (but not required) that my Zend Redis Cache add-on be installed and configured as the cache provider.

  • View users who are viewing content
  • Viewing Thread Display Type
  • Viewing Thread Container Position
    • User cutoff
  • Display Viewer Counts
    • sub-option for location
  • Display User List
    • sub-option for location
  • Track User Activity
    • sub-option per supported content type.
  • Thread/Forum Contribute limit
    • Pushes activity from a thread into the parent forum (or forums)
    • This produces extra writes per-view for the additional tracking.
      • When using MySQL it attempts to batch update, but if a deadlock occurs falls-back to individual row updates


Originally derived from @rainmotorsports's [RainDD] User Activity. Now only shares some UI elements, and permission name.

Contributing features or bug fixes
Please create a GitHub Pull request via the "More Information" link.


If you appreciate this add-on, please consider a contribution via PayPal. Details will be provide via private conversation.

Please contact me if you wish for different licencing arrangements.
Related resources
  • viewing_thread_list.webp
    7.3 KB · Views: 611
  • thread_view_count.webp
    4.3 KB · Views: 526
  • forum_view_count.webp
    4.4 KB · Views: 1,087
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

More resources from Xon

Latest updates

  1. 1.6.7 - Maintenance update

    Fix invalid offset UA_UsersViewingCount when a suppressed error occurs talking to caching backend
  2. 1.6.6 - Minor feature update

    Support @Bob's Article Management System. Thanks @NixFifty
  3. 1.6.5 - User Activity

    Improve template modification's add-on compatibility

Latest reviews

Thank you for this free XF2 version. I used the RainDD version before. Xon is one of the most trustworthy XF developers, all his addons can be installed blindly, as everyone knows: it will work and it is safe.
With this add-on admins receive more insight in how many users actually read and stay in specific threads. As with all add-ons from this author, fast response and support combined with quality code make this add-on a very valuable extension of core XF.
Absolutely great add-on, Xon developed some of the extra options for us with ease and my server or page load does not suffer from this (mysql). Members love it and increases activity on the forum, people do love to see where everyone is at.
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