XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration

XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration [Paid] 1.5.5

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Does anyone know how long should it take for thread comments to be pulled through to beneath a wordpress article?

I'm finding 24+ hours - could Cloudflare impact?
Does anyone know how long should it take for thread comments to be pulled through to beneath a wordpress article?

I'm finding 24+ hours - could Cloudflare impact?
The duration you choose in the plugin settings (defaults to 30mins) will send the request. Try manually clearing the cache of a page you are testing to see if the comments are refreshed after the right amount of time has passed (you can test this by setting refresh time to 1minute)
kolakube updated XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration with a new update entry:

Important security update

  1. An important security patch has been made and is now available for immediate update in XFtoWP Licensed users can one-click update from WP admin > Plugins > Updates.
    1. You may also access your private account area to directly download the plugin files here. To manually update the plugin, simply upload the new files to the Plugins page.
  2. Respectively, XFtoWP 1.5 Beta 4 Patch 1 has...

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The duration you choose in the plugin settings (defaults to 30mins) will send the request. Try manually clearing the cache of a page you are testing to see if the comments are refreshed after the right amount of time has passed (you can test this by setting refresh time to 1minute)


I have it set as 10 minutes.

Comments beneath the wordpress article dont seem to pull through until I go into Cloudflare and custom purge/clear the wordpress article page cache. I wonder if it's something like this;

We had some issues with caching (CloudFlare) but now it is solved (/etc/hosts has the IP for the xenforo domain so php api call from wordpress host to xenforourl/api/ does not go via cloudflare's dns but directly to the IP of http host). Currently the whole XF domain is excluded from caching in the CloudFlare setting, but additionally on our end any request to xenforourl/api/ goes directly to the backend.

Let me know please if you have some ideas what I could do to find reason for wrong comment number.
Hello, does the user need to register and login on WordPress side always? Or is it possible to register on xenforo side and be added to WordPress?

If registering on WordPress side is it compatible with social login registrations? (register with Google, Facebook, Twitter etc)

Also, the XF widget to use in WordPress should really have an option to display a thumbnail image from the forum post
Thank you for the questions!
Hello, does the user need to register and login on WordPress side always? Or is it possible to register on xenforo side and be added to WordPress?
It is recommended to perform most actions from the WP side, however the registration and sync process works perfectly fine with our free companion addon installed to XF:

If registering on WordPress side is it compatible with social login registrations? (register with Google, Facebook, Twitter etc)
Registering over social using the addon I just linked to doesn't work, but I have an update that helps address the issue. I will release that shortly.

Also, the XF widget to use in WordPress should really have an option to display a thumbnail image from the forum post
That's a good suggestion, but where would the image come from?
kolakube updated XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration with a new update entry:

XFtoWP 1.5 RC1

XFtoWP 1.5 is nearly marked as stable with this solid round of improvements made from the last beta release. It is still not recommended to run this software on a live site and is strongly recommended you test any bulk user actions on staging or test websites.

Changes made in XFtoWP 1.5 RC1:
  • Overall syncing stability improvements
  • Improved real time permissions check during user import/syncing processes
  • Better error handling if improper API connection setup...

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Upgrading from XFtoWP 1.4.x? There is a simple upgrade routine you need to run to safely port your old user and thread sync logs into the new streamlined format introduced in XFtoWP 1.5.

After uploading the plugin files you can go to the new Bulk actions admin page where you will be prompted to migrate user and thread logs if any legacy data is detected.

Follow the prompts to migrate each set of logs and once complete you will have full access to all the actions that come shipped with XFtoWP 1.5!

Screen Shot 2022-09-13 at 2.06.40 PM.webp
kolakube updated XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration with a new update entry:

XFtoWP 1.5 RC2

The final version of XFtoWP 1.5 is even closer with today's maintenance release. It is still not recommended to run this software on a live site and you should test any bulk user actions on staging websites first.

XFtoWP 1.5 RC2 is now available to all licensed customers from the account area at XFtoWP.com. See changelog:
  • To match XF date field validation, the date synced to custom...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hello @kolakube,

Thanks a lot for providing a new version where bulk sync is available with our current users.

Unfortunately, I am experiencing some issues for some members with the latest 2 candidate version.

1. The bulk sync ran successfully, but not all accounts are synced.
2. When I try to connect user accounts manually (add the same username and email from XF to the WP user account) - it does not get saved.

Can you please advice on how to fix this issue, please?


I added some screenshots:


No username and email credentials have been found.
Hi @Festinger, go to your account and download the XFtoWP 1.5RC2-P1 package. It has a fix that I think will help here, as the user looks synced, but there is a slight glitch in the UI.

Let me know if installing that version shows the correct details.


  • Screen Shot 2022-09-23 at 3.50.59 PM.webp
    Screen Shot 2022-09-23 at 3.50.59 PM.webp
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Hi @Festinger, go to your account and download the XFtoWP 1.5RC2-P1 package. It has a fix that I think will help here, as the user looks synced, but there is a slight glitch in the UI.

Let me know if installing that version shows the correct details.


I downloaded the suggested version, but it didn't fix my issue.


When I try to connect with an account registered on XenForo with the same username and email, it didn't go through.

Please advice in this matter, as thousands of my customers cannot sync their account.

We just switched from Discourse to XenForo but the bridge isn't really stable at this moment. :(

I downloaded the suggested version, but it didn't fix my issue.

View attachment 273793

When I try to connect with an account registered on XenForo with the same username and email, it didn't go through.

Please advice in this matter, as thousands of my customers cannot sync their account.

We just switched from Discourse to XenForo but the bridge isn't really stable at this moment. :(

Hi @kolakube - can you please give us a fix or ETA for this, as the bridge is unusable at this moment?
@Festinger, I have applied another patch to your XFtoWP account area to help address the issue. Download and install following the same steps as before.

To help confirm a resolution, edit a user that is not correctly synced and disconnect/re-connect the accounts and see if the proper data now shows.
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To help confirm a resolution, edit a user that is not correctly synced and disconnect/re-connect the accounts and see if the proper data now shows.

Thanks I tried that and it seems to be working.

Should I bulk disconnect now all users (because the log shows connected previously, but there was no user data connected)?
Unfortunately, the last change didn't provide a solution for the issue with syncing.

Once the user accounts have been connected, and the magical link to login has been created, the user is NOT being logged in into XenForo.
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