XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration

XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration [Paid] 1.5.5

No permission to buy ($79.00)
This is fantastic!!

Thank you for creating it. I'm buying.

Really like that you're doing integrations, any chance of integrating with Keap (Infusionsoft) and Memberium?
Thank you very much! More to come from here. :)

Memberium is certainly in our sights. I am not familiar with Keap, so any details you can provide about what you'd want out of that integration would help.
Mangini updated XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress Integration with a new update entry:

WooCommerce Beta 2 integration

  • New: WooCommerce Beta 2 integration - now detects user registrations from "My account" page (WP admin > WooCommerce > Accounts & Privacy) and creates user on XenForo. Also adds validation to ensure the username and email entered does not already exist in XenForo.
  • Fixes warning message on post editor if no XF usergroups added from WP admin > XF > Site Setup

Read the rest of this update entry...
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Hi, It says "Styled to match your theme" does it mean WP would adopt my current XF style and both WP and XF would look exactly same, right?
Hi, It says "Styled to match your theme" does it mean WP would adopt my current XF style and both WP and XF would look exactly same, right?
Hi @Veer, this means any elements XFtoWP adds to your site like thread replies as comments or user sync fields will blend in to match your existing theme styles. XFtoWP doesn't modify your theme in any way.
I hope everyone is enjoying XFtoWP 1.2!

We've had questions about the best way to setup an API user and this breakdown below will help you understand which permissions affect different parts of the plugin. Since every site can have such different requirements it is wise to only enable API permissions you need.

Thread comments:
  • thread:read - connect to existing threads
  • thread:write - create new threads
User syncing:
  • user:read, user:write - (required) to create new users and connect to existing users
  • user:delete - (optional) to also delete XF users when WP users are deleted
  • alert:write, conversation:write - (optional) to send on User actions
  • auth, auth:login_token - (optional) to auto login users to XF from WP
  • node:read - Populate forum nodes to Widget
*Other opt-in API permissions may be supported in future versions of XFtoWP

The following permissions are only available to Super user keys:
  • alert:write
  • auth
  • auth:login_token
You should be able to use user:read and user:write without a regular User key, but if not, turn it back to a Super user key. Only in the most minimal cases—and even when only using Thread comments—we recommend a User key over a Guest key.

Ideally the API user you use in the User key should be in the Registered usergroup with as little permissions on the forum as possible, and a strong password. Go to XF admin > Groups & permissions > Administrators and assign the "Edit and manage user capabilities", which is the only on-forum permission required to use XFtoWP User syncing.
Thanks @Mangini .
I realize that my question was not clear, here it is:
Do WordPress and Xenforo need to be installed on the same domain, or can WordPress be installed on a subdomain of the Xenforo domain?

@Mangini A few more quick questions before I buy:
Is it compatible with XF 2.1 (haven't updated yet) and WP 5.7.2 (latest)? And any potential issues that I may need to pay attention to when I upgrade from XF 2.1 to 2.2 while using your addon?
Lastly, does the forum widget show user avatars?
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