XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration

XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration [Paid] 1.5.5

No permission to buy ($79.00)
This looked promising but the lack of updates and communication is the main reason I'm hesitant with 3rd party addons. Seems so risky to purchase.
If there any ability to pull in XF media gallery content into WP pages with this add-on, and is it being actively developed and supported?

Thank you!
I know @kolakube is too busy to answer, but I am still interested in this product. :)

It would be much appreciated if anyone could answer these:
  • Is this addon still compatible with XF 2.3?

  • Can users registered and authenticated through WP be immediately (or with a cronjob running every second or something) synced to XF so they will be logged in to both?

  • If yes, do installs need to be done on the same domain, or - for example - a subdomain can be used?

Thanks in advance! 🙇‍♂️

For some context... unfortunately, I must have a hybrid login workflow:

I couldn't achieve a Microsoft 365 (business/enterprise) SSO with XF 2.3, but it can be done easily with WP, so it seems I need to throw WP in the mix (and boy, WP suck as a "CMS" from day one, but it is what it is).

Can users registered and authenticated through WP be immediately (or with a cronjob running every second or something) synced to XF so they will be logged in to both?
Yes, if I recall well 😁

If yes, do installs need to be done on the same domain, or - for example - a subdomain can be used?
You can use a subdomain or a totally different domain. Mine is on subdomain ;)

Don't know about the other ones 🤷‍♂️
Why cant contributers post with their own account in xenforo.

Please make it so that when a member wants to share it publicly in xenforo their username and blog numbers update.

and make a mod for this in xenforo for blog post to count as an addon in users info
Why cant contributers post with their own account in xenforo.

Please make it so that when a member wants to share it publicly in xenforo their username and blog numbers update.

and make a mod for this in xenforo for blog post to count as an addon in users info

Hi, @P2PLeon82 ; I tried really hard to decipher your message, but I can't. :confused:
the only means to post in a forum is by the admin, super admin by choice.

It would be good if a contributer from wp is allowed to post into forum and still have their username associated with it.

also creating a addon for xenforo to enable blog posts made on external site, namely subdomain or other, and have the blog criteria like Posts counted in xenforo from wordpress.
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