XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration

XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration [Paid] 1.5.5

No permission to buy ($79.00)
Where will the "main" registration be? On the Xenforo side or WordPress side? If it's XF, will users be synced to WP?
There is a companion addon that creates users in WP from the XenForo register form. The only known issue is with Social Registrations which should be cleared up once XFtoWP 1.5 is finalized.

Since the plugin lives on the WordPress site it is able to create/sync XF users at any point of registration your site allows. "Syncing" means linking an XF and WP user together, and you are encouraged to offer a functional user experience even if users are not yet synced. There are options and automations you can set in XFtoWP to sync users later. An example workflow could be:
  1. User registers to your XF forum as normal (optional to create WP user at this point)
  2. Asks a presale question or just browses your "free" forums
  3. Later purchases a product from your WP site
    • At this point, a new WP user will be created or updated with the product purchase
  4. XFtoWP sends usergroup promotion to XF user

Another case of "API user has no API permissions."

I have tried everything I could think of and I can't, for the love of me, figure it out.

my /forum/api URL works normally.

I have tried to debug it (browser network requests and IIS Failed Request Tracing) but there doesn't seem to be an error in any request.

Happy holidays!

Another case of "API user has no API permissions."

I have tried everything I could think of and I can't, for the love of me, figure it out.

my /forum/api URL works normally.

I have tried to debug it (browser network requests and IIS Failed Request Tracing) but there doesn't seem to be an error in any request.

Happy holidays!
Hi! Thanks for purchasing the plugin! Just in time as xftowp 1.5 will be stable very shortly.

Are the sites you're using password protected? The api can't be read if there is protection on either site.

Another possibility is your ssl certificate may be preventing the requests if not properly setup. Search this thread for "ssl certificate" to see other discussions about how that was resolved.

Let me know if you are still having issues.
Notice: XFtoWP.com will be down for a redesign and preparation for the final release of XFtoWP 1.5. Be back for the New year. :)

If you need to access your downloads or request support before then, please PM me here or at Kolakube support.

It's going to be a great year ahead. 💪
kolakube updated XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration with a new update entry:

XFtoWP 1.5 - final changes, XFtoWP.com redesigned, and upgrade guide

XFtoWP 1.5 is now available for download and ready to update from the one-click updater in your WordPress dashboard!

You can also get the plugin from your newly redesigned XFtoWP.com account area.

Read the final XFtoWP 1.5 changelogs:
  1. Changes from 1.5 RC3 to 1.5 stable
  2. The full XFtoWP 1.5 changelog

Read the rest of this update entry...
kolakube updated XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration with a new update entry:

Maintenance update

XFtoWP is now available for update from your WordPress admin panel! Visit your XFtoWP.com account to directly access your downloads.
  • Ensures WP user password is set when successfully logged-in with XF credentials
  • Now displays users who are already synced during XF user bulk import
  • Fixes error during 1.4.x user logs migrator that may return a false 'complete' status
  • Minor code cleanup & organization

Read the rest of this update entry...
Thank you to everybody who has updated to XFtoWP 1.5! The early results have been amazing and the first maintenance release only needed to address minor issues.

To help you learn the new features and processes of the plugin, as well as some of the lesser known features, check out the updated documentation with new articles published at XFtoWP.com:
👉 Follow the XFtoWP stream for when any new content is published to the website.

Finally, your account area at XFtoWP.com has been redesigned for easier downloads access and a better at-a-glance view of new guides and resources. You can also perform account actions like manage support users, edit account details, and add extra site license activations here.

Is it possible to send alerts and conversations from the WordPress Admin Panel to a XF user without triggering anything?

We've a review team, and they need to send alerts to users, however, for now they need to use the XenForo admin panel for this. But it would be great if they could do this through the WordPress environment without triggering an event.

Is this possible? If not, is this something you'd be interested in to develop? I'm open to pay for such a feature, you can DM me.
Is it possible to send alerts and conversations from the WordPress Admin Panel to a XF user without triggering anything?

We've a review team, and they need to send alerts to users, however, for now they need to use the XenForo admin panel for this. But it would be great if they could do this through the WordPress environment without triggering an event.

Is this possible? If not, is this something you'd be interested in to develop? I'm open to pay for such a feature, you can DM me.
Answered via PM. This may be a new feature we add to the plugin!
We have a forum with 3 million members. We have a large number of members on our WordPress site. Can the plugin be used in major forums? When I tried another plugin before, it was taking too long to sync.
And what happens if there are members with the same email address on both sides?
I'm a huge fan of both Xenforo and Wordpress, so does this bridge only work from Wordpress then adding Xenforo? If you have a Xenforo forum, can you bridge Wordpress to it under one database and one login? That has always been the million dollar question. Maybe I missed all this in the documentation and reviews. Thanks and good luck.
We have a forum with 3 million members. We have a large number of members on our WordPress site. Can the plugin be used in major forums? When I tried another plugin before, it was taking too long to sync.
This plugin doesn't do things like "run a 3m member refresh every 24 hours" but operates more on an as-needed basis. For example, you can link user accounts automatically when they login from a WP login page. There is also manual user verification, which is a form you can place on your WP site for users to verify their own forum accounts. More details in the plugin docs.

And what happens if there are members with the same email address on both sides?
Their accounts will be linked.
I'm a huge fan of both Xenforo and Wordpress, so does this bridge only work from Wordpress then adding Xenforo? If you have a Xenforo forum, can you bridge Wordpress to it under one database and one login? That has always been the million dollar question. Maybe I missed all this in the documentation and reviews. Thanks and good luck.
The plugin is installed on the WordPress side and works whether you already have both a WP and XF site or only one and adding the other.

A "connected" user will have a user created in both databases. XFtoWP keeps a log in the admin panel of all user accounts that are synced across websites. The user email and password can be made to match, but do not necessarily have to for accounts to be able to link together.
Hello dear @kolakube

Users who are members of the Xenforo forum are not synchronized with wordpress.
Those who create a membership on my Wordpress site are only added to xenforo.

How can we fix this?

There is also a big problem.
Unfortunately, when I performed the Import XF User to WP action, we had a problem with changing user passwords.
Therefore, the number of active users in the forum has decreased :(
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The plugin is installed on the WordPress side and works whether you already have both a WP and XF site or only one and adding the other.

A "connected" user will have a user created in both databases. XFtoWP keeps a log in the admin panel of all user accounts that are synced across websites. The user email and password can be made to match, but do not necessarily have to for accounts to be able to link together.
Sounds great, I will give this a try in the coming days. Buddy Press is not the answer for a forum on WP. lol
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