XenZine Articles [Deleted]

Soooooo... I'm new to the xenforo software and I just installed Xenzine. It is showing on my ACP but I'm having a hard time finding any info on how to manage and set up xenzine after installing it. Is there any information on implementing? As I said I'm new to Xenforo so I'm not so clear on the ins-and-out of setting up addons. Is there any info out there? Many thanks!

There are 3 places to look for in ACP.

First go to Users->User Group Permissions->Administrator->scroll all the way down and find XenZine, and allow yourself to XenZine's permisssions.

Second, in the Home->Options, find XenZine Articles, then you can configure global options for XenZine.

Third, go to Applications->XenZine->Categories and create your categories, etc.

When you're ready, allow Registered Users or whatever usergroups you have and allow them to view, review, etc.
You will need to give yourself, or a usergroup the ability to create articles etc.
To anyone enabled if they click Articles on the navbar, they will see Submit an Article on the secondary navbar.

In the ACP/ Applications (top navbar), you'll find Xenzine Categories on the side menu.as you think.
A tip to remove a lot of the default Categories there is delete the top level Category to remove all its subcategories. They are empty shells so not a problem to remove.
Rename them, delete, add, as you wish. Designing your Categories is one of the hardest parts of setting up any directory so don't be surprised if this takes a while.
Experiment with a few test Articles how it works. To edit an article click on a section in the edit page, to open it for editing.
The article is not published on the site just by saving it.

There are options for what you see on the Category List, whether to use Editors Picks, or Recent Articles etc.

When it seems puzzling, just ask. The developer here does great support.
psst @TheSalt - you don't need to quote previous messages unless you want to comment specifically on something they say. If it's a thank you reply just use the @ symbol before the member's name - that generates an alert for them, and makes it clear you are posting for them. XF rocks!
Hello Gang!

I'm having a problem. When I go into an article I can edit/delete but I cant remove/delete uploaded images. Does anyone know what the issue might be?
Hello Gang!

I'm having a problem. When I go into an article I can edit/delete but I cant remove/delete uploaded images. Does anyone know what the issue might be?
That will be fixed in the next version. In the meantime, convert the article to a thread, delete the attachment like you normally would, then convert it back to an article.
Hello Gang!

I'm having a problem. When I go into an article I can edit/delete but I cant remove/delete uploaded images. Does anyone know what the issue might be?

Currently, you can do it via the ACP attachment manager:
At the moment published articles can not have their attachment removed via editing (once published, attachments are added to the published article, you can however remove and add attachments to unpublished articles)
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I a few hundred articles from a VB4 CMS install that I've imported into subforums and threads into XF with the unofficial importer - how does this addon handle the importation of that content?
Hello Gang!

I was wondering if there is more to converting a thread to an article then I’m aware for. I open a thread, select convert thread to article and convert but I keep getting an error. I’m guessing it has something to do with not being able to select a category as nothing shows up in the category bar for selection for some reason. Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?

Thank you for your time!


Is there a way for you to automatically place uploaded images to the article discussion tab. Here is why I ask. I have a member that wants to attach his book updates to to his article and it inst exactly clear on how to do that. Right now you have to edit the article to upload the PDF to get it to show at the bottom of the article. This is confusing for the users. Also when the article is viewed in the forum it is automatically on the 'discussion tab' of the article and it does not display the PDF unless you edit the article in the 'discussion tab and upload the PDF in there are well. I would love it if all our member viewed articles via the article tab but I know most articles are going to end up being viewed in the article forum.

I wouldn't normally ask about this but he will need to do this at least once a month and the fella is 71. He has an instructional book that come with monthly updates and he has been nice enough to share them on my forum. Thank you for your time!

No, if you have only 1 Article Forum, move the thread into that forum before converting it to an article (Since this is where the thread will eventually exist)

To convert a thread to an article, the thread must be in a forum that is associated to an Article Category. If the article has an associated discussion, this then ensure the discussion is put in the correct place
Oh no! I made a big mistake... I deleted my xenzine categories. I recreated them using the same names but the articles are not going back. When I click on the article I can still see the original category in the bread crumbs but not on the article page. Is there a way to reorganize this mess I made?
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I a few hundred articles from a VB4 CMS install that I've imported into subforums and threads into XF with the unofficial importer - how does this addon handle the importation of that content?
It doesn't, xenzine is separate mod all together with no importer.
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