XenForo 2.0 Discussion

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Essentially, yes. You pick the widget position and the display order.
With widget framework 2.5 and below this approach caused confusion/difficulty in situations where multiple widgets where added in the same row or under tabs. Is it possible to have multiple widgets on the same row or under tabs and if so, how is the order defined?
From the screenshots it seems that you have removed the AddThis service. If so then this is a great move after all the AddThis privacy violations.
Are you referring to the "Share this page" section at the bottom of the thread view?


That was never powered by AddThis. It was just the official share buttons served by Twitter, Google and Facebook.
Looking at the update thread again, I see myself making a lot of title case bug reports again. Brace yourselves, guys. There's an Amaury storm coming. ;) Although, to be fair, a lot of that may change in the final release. From looking at old threads over my years here, I note XenForo 1 kind of started out the same, having some things sentence case that were title case by the time it was officially released, like the sub-navigation bar items.

On to feedback, I certainly like how the date and time stamp as well the as the post number are on top of posts in XenForo 2.
Are you referring to the "Share this page" section at the bottom of the thread view?
Indeed. I was referring to that and to the block on forum home. It lists reddit, pinterest, etc like AddThis has and XF did not have before.

I see there is a moderator drop down. This is new. What does this do?
I see myself making a lot of title case bug reports again.
Don't make them yet ;) Some of the changes may be intentional, but ultimately phrases are pretty much the last thing to be applied so we'll deal with such issues at that time.
Indeed. I was referring to that and to the block on forum home. It lists reddit, pinterest, etc like AddThis has and XF did not have before.
Yeah these are just basically links which activate the share dialog for each service without the overhead and inconsistent styling of loading their default buttons. They didn't use AddThis before, and certainly don't know :)

I see there is a moderator drop down. This is new. What does this do?
Nothing too exciting. It's a menu that contains links to the Report Center and Moderation Queue so they can always be accessed regardless of whether you have outstanding items or not. If there are outstanding items, we display the link outside of the menu, with the item count and more prominently.
Well, to be fair, one of the entire reasons to go through such a process is to find bugs, so reporting bugs during preview/beta/RC stages should be fine ;)
Do you (XF team) aim to make the widget system at least as robust as BD Widget system so that addon developers have an equally robust platform to develop on?
The reason I ask is that its highly unlikely that any developer will create a widget system for XF2 so we will need to use the stock widget system to reach feature parity to migrate our sites and addon developers be able to port their addon widgets over.
Frankly you're unlikely to ever see feature parity in a brand new XF feature when compared with a matured already existing add-on that has been worked on over the course of nearly five years. It's just unrealistic.

It's also sometimes difficult to separate what is truly crucial functionality compared with features which are more of a nice to have. I'd personally put front end positioning of widgets in that latter category. That said, posting suggestions (as you have done) is useful to help us ascertain that.
I like the position of the "Post Reply" and "More Options" buttons and especially the "Attach Files" button, much easier to spot on a wide screen.

I assume that is a settings icon on the far right of the reply box, what is all under there, is it just the "Remove Formatting" and "Use BB Code Editor" options?
The cog icon toggles the BB code editor. Remove formatting is the one on the far left of the reply box.
It's something we have noted internally (amongst some other related elements), though it's not supported yet.
If nothing else, a config flag to disable 4-byte UTF8 escaping would allow users to opt-in with some configuration without requiring code edits.
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