[XenCustomize] Events Manager

[XenCustomize] Events Manager [Paid] 1.3.1

No permission to buy ($65.00)
I don't know how they haven't absorbed the calendar addon by Nixfifty, paid for it and refactored any code and fixed any issues.

I'm glad they haven't because this addon here has promise with a decent, responsive and customer caring team.
As I am currently evaluating both I may write up a comparison if I find the time. Similarities, but more different in detail than one might think. No secret that the prices for development speed and responsiveness clearly go to @Veer. ;)
So i decided to install this as well as Nixfifty's "Calendar" add-on. The intention was to manually migrate the existing events from it into this one, and then remove the Calendar add-on.
Not the best decision Ive made....

Both add-on's use the /events route - meaning that even though ive disabled this one, the original nixfifty one doesnt work now... 🤦‍♂️

Just a word of warning to those that are hoping to do the same!
(rebuilt the original calendar app to get it back working again - Will now copy content before removing the old one - unless veer famcies adding the ability to import from nixfifty's "calendar" add-on?? ;)).
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So i decided to install this as well as Nixfifty's "Calendar" add-on. The intention was to manually migrate the existing events from it into this one, and then remove the Calendar add-on.
Not the best decision Ive made....

Both add-on's use the /events route - meaning that even though ive disabled this one, the original nixfifty one doesnt work now... 🤦‍♂️

Just a word of warning to those that are hoping to do the same!
(rebuilt the original calendar app to get it back working again - Will now copy content before removing the old one - unless veer famcies adding the ability to import from nixfifty's "calendar" add-on?? ;)).
I agree there's always going to be 'new' customers of XF but many are so far in the game now, that if they consider moving from existing addons that are stagnant or not compatible with new addons, it's really helpful and probably a good business move to offer an easy way for customers to import/migrate from other proprietary systems. This would be cool!

I think it also tacks on to import/export functions too - being able to import mass events via CSV/Spreadsheet would be amazing and offer great function.
Veer updated [XenCustomize] Events Manager with a new update entry:

1.1.5 - Style properties and More admin options!

Today we're delighted to roll out our 5th update in a row 🎉! This latest version brings style properties and gives admins greater control over event view sections like Event Notes, Location, and Purpose.

This is probably our final update for the 1.1 series, and with all reported bugs fixed, it's our most stable release yet! 🌟 Enjoy!

📜 What's New​

  • Style Properties (Suggested by @Azure Ace @Paul)
    • Added style...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I may write up a comparison if I find the time.
I'll wait until 1.2 (which seems possibly to be not ages away) before a more comprehensive review that compares the two. Makes more sense, as with 1.2 more features will be added and some topics will be fixed, so a review before that would be outdated quickly.

What I can say already is that I like the Events Manager and 1.1.5 works well enough already that I took it productive on my forum (albeit on small scale with only few events, only a subset of what I have planned). 1.1.5 does have a number of glitches that hinder full usage in the way I intended it (i.e. giving permissions to users in the way I'd prefer to create events themselves) but that's fair: It is a brand new software that was released less than a month ago, so glitches are absolutely to be expected and one would be silly to expect it to feature complete. @Veer has proven to be very responsive and quick, in fixing bugs as well as in implementing feature suggestions or feedback to existing features - so absolutely nothing to complain about. So I am looking forward for 1.2.0 which will probably be a huge step in features - but by that has through the implementation of huge and complex features as the calendar also so the potential for new bugs or to leave the track I'd like for the software in terms of UX, functionality or aesthetics (at least in theory). We will see. And I already know that not all my wishes will come true in 1.2.0. :cry:

Calendar on the other hand is relatively mature - it is a well thought addon that offers good solutions for topics where Events Manager 1.1.5 is blank (but will no longer be blank in 1.2.0 in many of these areas). On the other hand Calendar does have it's issues as well - unfixed bugs, issues with certain recurring events and other things - not too many, but they have not been fixed for years, not even the easiest ones and the lack of developing the product further or generally attention of the developer for the product is not convincing. The latest version was released more than two years ago. Other than that it seems pretty robust - just that there are some concepts in it that I personally dislike (like i.e. the way it deals with a pictures) and where I clearly prefer the way Events Manager works. Possibly one could work around many of these with customizing, custom style and custom development but that's not my cup of tea and I do not want to open this can of worms. ;) And it seems to be stuck at the current state of development, so it is rather "take it as it is or shut up". Whereas with Events Manager I can to a degree take influence where it is going - a huge advantage.

So of the two I went for Events Manager after comparing despite it being - for obvious reasons - currently less mature and less feature complete. But I have the hope that this will change soon and even more over time and I value the attitude of @Veer very much. On the other hand longterm we are talking about a marathon, not a sprint and only time can tell wether this persists longterm. It's often been seen that new products see fast releases in the beginning and some time later movitation stops as does development (as it seems to have happend with Calendar and many other addons). Not calling Cassandra and no signs for that (rather the opposite), but impossible to tell now. We will see.
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Hello, can I ask @Veer?

Is it possible, please, to resolve a year-long hike as one event with specific games, e.g. once a month - each somewhere else? For me, this is golf, the organizer organizes ten tournaments per year in one ranking, i.e. one long-term event, but 10 tournaments a year are played at different times and in different places. So how to clearly connect them? Is this possible in this addon?
Hello, can I ask @Veer?

Is it possible, please, to resolve a year-long hike as one event with specific games, e.g. once a month - each somewhere else? For me, this is golf, the organizer organizes ten tournaments per year in one ranking, i.e. one long-term event, but 10 tournaments a year are played at different times and in different places. So how to clearly connect them? Is this possible in this addon?
You could create a category for the event, so basically a own section like "2024 golf around the world tour" that you can view seperately and then have the 10 tournaments as events within the section. So the events would clearly be identifyable as connected but still be separate events including seperate locations and seperate RSVPs.

You can view the various categories each seperately or all at once, still the category it belongs to is visible on the event (i.e. in grid mode). Depending from your needs this should work nicely and possibly sufficiently.
There are btw. a couple of small improvements in 1.2.0 that have not been mentioned in the update note. I.e. time is now displayed in 24h format in events (before that it was 24h in the backend but 12h format on the event itself). Also, when you edit an existing event and change the start date the end date now adjusts itself (before 1.2.0 it did not, so the end date was possibly before the start date then). There are possibly a couple more small bits like that that get silently improved with each release.
Can you post the screenshots here, I don't want to have to register on your forum just to check!

Admin Option: Event List Display Mode​

Choose the display mode you want to use to display events on the index pages. Note that category pages will continue to display events in a list view.

Month view

Admin Option: Default Calendar View​

Set the initial view of the Calendar. Select the default view that best suits your needs or the preferences of your users.


List month view (default)

List Week View

List day view

Display mode buttons on card grid mode




Style properties





I go away for a couple of days, and @Veer Posts a tasty update!!

I have an observation from 1.15 - not sure if behaviour has changed...

I created an event. I then assigned it to someone whose event it was.
One of the board members RSVP'd the event - I got the advice to tell me they had said they were going. (i dont know if the assigned person did also).

In my view the person assigned should get the message, and not the person that reated the post. If you "pass ownership" of that event then they should be in control of it - not the person that posted :)

Veer updated [XenCustomize] Events Manager with a new update entry:

1.2.1 - Maintenance update!

We're delighted to announce today's maintenance update. It enhances the display of icons in custom themes utilizing Material design. Additionally, this update resolves several bugs reported in our support forum.

⚙️ Changes:​

  • Changed the Card Grid display mode icon from fa-th-large to fa-table for better compatibility with custom themes.
  • Changed the Start date icon from fa-calendar-day to fa-calendar for better compatibility with custom themes...

Read the rest of this update entry...
You could create a category for the event, so basically a own section like "2024 golf around the world tour" that you can view seperately and then have the 10 tournaments as events within the section. So the events would clearly be identifyable as connected but still be separate events including seperate locations and seperate RSVPs.

You can view the various categories each seperately or all at once, still the category it belongs to is visible on the event (i.e. in grid mode). Depending from your needs this should work nicely and possibly sufficiently.

Thanks for the response, I understand. I also thought of this solution and it would serve well for one or two events.Unfortunately, we also have enough two-day tournaments, a weekend - one day on one course, a day later on another course nearby. The tournaments are related, but each one is different. And it would be impractical for each organizer to establish a separate category in this way.That is connect it somehow, I'll give them an envelope... ?

But I understand that this is not a typical usercase.

I like your plugin very much, I am considering how to integrate it.
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