[XenCustomize] Events Manager

[XenCustomize] Events Manager [Paid] 1.3.1

No permission to buy ($65.00)
Thanks for the response, I understand. I also thought of this solution and it would serve well for one or two events.Unfortunately, we also have enough two-day tournaments, a weekend - one day on one course, a day later on another course nearby. The tournaments are related, but each one is different.
This is a difficult topic to deal with conveniantly in any software. I.e. on my Forum we do have a 3-day event that consists of a bunch of different events over the three days that attendants can each participate or not. As for the planning the RSVP for each sub-event is important (how many people take part) I created one "main" event and seperate events for all the other (sub)events, each with it's own RSVP. A bit complicated, a bit ugly and clearly not perfect but possibly the best way to deal with it for my needs. Last time, before using an event manager, I used google forms for the RSVP and it was a total nightmare to keep on track with a lot of people changing their plans over time.
Possibly to deal with more complicated events a dedicated event-software could be the better choice, but I have doubts that there are many (if any) on the market that could deal with such scenarios in a convenient way, let alone for an affordable price and not at all talking about integraded in XenForo.
And it would be impractical for each organizer to establish a separate category in this way.That is connect it somehow, I'll give them an envelope... ?
You could use prefixes for that or alternatively an abbreviation as part of the event name ("GWT2024") that creates a connection between the events. It can also be used for filtering.
@smallwheels - yes, that's right, good argument. and I agree that it is beyond the scope of its use. I'm actually looking for tips on how to deal with it, if someone hasn't already thought of something within the possibilities of this add-on, because I really like it a lot.

I use another add-on in xenforo, specifically for articles (AMS), where, apart from creating articles, it is possible to combine them into so-called Series. This is actually just an envelope where you dip the article after creating it and publish them together. So I was thinking something along the lines of maybe it could be a fairly workable solution (but I can't really guess how used in the case of a calendar).
@requo: In the end it is possibly a feature request "event series" that would be useful for your needs (and the ones of others that have similar kind of events). Given the feature range of Events Manager I would not consider an idea like that as totally out of question but possibly also not as "within range quickly". Also, it is pretty demanding to do the concept for such a feature in a way that is a) feasible to develop and b) successfully survives contact with reality afterwards. :D As usual, the devil is probably in the detail and to find the right level that makes it easy enough to build for @Veer and at the same time really helpful for those that have the need is really demanding. And the question is: How many people will need it. However: You could ask @Veer if he is willing to custom code it or use it as a sponsored feature if you are willing to invest the money.
I have an observation from 1.15 - not sure if behaviour has changed...

I created an event. I then assigned it to someone whose event it was.
One of the board members RSVP'd the event - I got the advice to tell me they had said they were going. (i dont know if the assigned person did also).
As this will be a typical usecase for me in future I just checked it and could not replicate this in 1.5.0.
@requo: In the end it is possibly a feature request "event series" that would be useful for your needs (and the ones of others that have similar kind of events). Given the feature range of Events Manager I would not consider an idea like that as totally out of question but possibly also not as "within range quickly". Also, it is pretty demanding to do the concept for such a feature in a way that is a) feasible to develop and b) successfully survives contact with reality afterwards. :D As usual, the devil is probably in the detail and to find the right level that makes it easy enough to build for @Veer and at the same time really helpful for those that have the need is really demanding. And the question is: How many people will need it. However: You could ask @Veer if he is willing to custom code it or use it as a sponsored feature if you are willing to invest the money.

thanks for the response, i understand. First of all, we asked for directions, if it is solvable, I reckon that it could theoretically be an additional function. But as you say - the question is whether it makes enough sense for all users and is not a very narrowly focused usercase. That's why I'm always looking for ways that are possible using the current functions. Or the simplest possible way to solve it - and those covers/series seemed like maybe a good way. But maybe not. So for now as a tip.

Thank you very much for the constructive consultation!
So i decided to install this as well as Nixfifty's "Calendar" add-on. The intention was to manually migrate the existing events from it into this one, and then remove the Calendar add-on. Not the best decision Ive made....
Will now copy content before removing the old one - unless veer famcies adding the ability to import from nixfifty's "calendar" add-on?? ;)).

Has there been, or likely to be, any thought or decision on this?
I'm fast approaching the need to have to migrate from NixFifty's abandoned addon, and I've been through several calendar/event addons over my years with XF. Each time, I've done a manual DB import and rebuild, to have existing events within the new addon. I'd need to look at doing the same here, if deciding to move to this addon, and there's no plans for a 1st party import.
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That's why I'm always looking for ways that are possible using the current functions.
The question is possibly what your goal is. If it is just to make events identifyable that in some way belong together you could use the event banner function for that: Use the logo of the event series as banner on all of the events of the series and you have an optical connection.

If you want to physically link the events there is not much apart from using a category (which you dislike for understandable reasons). You could however always link all events of the series in the event text / description.

Over the weekend I was thinking a bit about the topic of an event series and while I get the idea better I am not done with understandig what the character of such a series would be (I think I got it :D) and even more how one could implement it in a good way in terms of UX. Basically it is a bit like a category, just that you would have many more of those than you would have categories. Which means one would probably have to create these Series somewhere in the Backend and use a pulldownmenu to filter.

You could also add a custom field for the events the content of which identifies them as part of a certain series - but you cannot filter using custom fields in the front end, so probably not too useful.

It really comes down to the question what you want to achieve for the users and for yourself.

There are really many ways to Rome, even with the current possibilities. I would suggest to buy the addon and to play around with it to find out what fits for you. All theory is grey and nothing beats experience. ;)
Veer updated [XenCustomize] Events Manager with a new update entry:

1.2.2 - New features, improvements and bug fixes!

Events Manager 1.2.2 is now available for all licensed customers to download. This update addresses a number of bugs that were brought to our attention through our support forum. Additionally, we have implemented numerous enhancements to improve filtering, the display of custom fields, and upcoming events.

✨New features & improvements​

  • Implemented new filter that let users sort events list by event start...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Might want to update your resource here on XF. The screenshot shows $45. The buy button shows $65 and going to your site shows $90...
I will update the outdated image. On XenCustomize.com, the optional branding-free option of $25 is preselected, which is why it shows $90, but the checkbox can be unchecked.
Interested in this, but for a weird use-case--a calendar of upcoming product releases (the 'events' in question). For that I feel the upcoming event widget (which I assume can be easily renamed) show the event image for each. Is there any advice on customising that widget? I think for something like my hypothetical use-case, it would show the event image, with the date and description below each, rather than next to it. I'd be happy to try to hack it myself to do that, but I'd probably make a mess of it!
There are really many ways to Rome, even with the current possibilities. I would suggest to buy the addon and to play around with it to find out what fits for you. All theory is grey and nothing beats experience. ;)

Roger! Challenge accepted! :)

I bought the module a while ago, I'm looking forward to getting to know it and finding a way to achieve the necessary goal.
I bought the module a while ago, I'm looking forward to getting to know it and finding a way to achieve the necessary goal.
If this would work together with Event Manager it could be a nice solution for your needs:

It probably only works with dicussion threads but as interesting as a potential concept for what you lined out you want to achieve.
Any way that something can be built into the calendar to make it easier to read the different events?

Currently it looks like this


I can use CSS to visually improve the look but having something built in would make things easier (either colour coding categories or individual events)

To @Veer:

After installing the add-on, I came across a few details for a possible fix or questions:

Missing phrase for translate (details):
  • List events - Mod calendar: missing phrase "No events to display"
  • List events - Mod calendar: missing phrase "JAN, FEB..." (or where can I set?)
  • Create events: missing phrase "repeat every"
In "Create events form"
  • don't show section "Custom fields" if no item exists, would it be possible? Empty is confusing
  • I can enter an earlier end date of the event than the start date
  • I can't upload attachments (images), the file selection form appears but nothing uploads
In "Detail events"
  • I'm missing the ability to completely remove (ie not just change) the RSVP status
  • Is it possible to view events where I as a specific forum user have registered/perhaps/not logged in (RSVP status) and scroll through them? Where, pls?
  • Can I ask for an explanation of what the notes are for? I know they can be turned off, but I don't know their practical use - maybe it would be useful for me. I thought they might be able to be filtered - something like internal tags?
  • Would it be possible to add permission to be able to insert recurring events? I don't want to allow everyone to create a bunch of events with one click (perhaps by mistake). Here I would also like the possibility to limit the maximum number of repetitions of the event per permission. At the same time, I would very much like to be able to limit the maximum number of active user events using permissions.
  • The difference between a private and a public event is not entirely clear to me. I understand it's on global permissions. But I think it's confusing - at least I don't know how to promote it user-wise, I have different groups of users on the forum, intermingling with each other. I thought it would work by being the founder of the event restricting the event to only my selected list of users (specified by name)... ?

Please kindly help, it is possible that I am just overlooking something. I really like the plugin. :)
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I'd appreciate if you kindly use our support forum or private support tickets.

Missing phrase for translate (details):
  • List events - Mod calendar: missing phrase "No events to display"
  • List events - Mod calendar: missing phrase "JAN, FEB..." (or where can I set?)
  • Create events: missing phrase "repeat every"
Posted as bug report: Missing phrase for translate (details)

In "Create events form"
  • don't show section "Custom fields" if no item exists, would it be possible? Empty is confusing
Suggestion logged: Don't show section "Custom fields" if no item exists

I can't upload attachments (images), the file selection form appears but nothing uploads
I can't reproduce this issue. Maybe check your permissions and attachment related options on /admin.php?options/groups/xcuEventsOptions/

In "Detail events"
  • I'm missing the ability to completely remove (ie not just change) the RSVP status
Currently this doesn't exist.
Suggestion logged for future consideration: Ability to completely remove the RSVP status

Is it possible to view events where I as a specific forum user have registered/perhaps/not logged in (RSVP status) and scroll through them? Where, pls?

Can I ask for an explanation of what the notes are for? I know they can be turned off, but I don't know their practical use - maybe it would be useful for me. I thought they might be able to be filtered - something like internal tags?
Event notes can be used to highlight important notes, activities, or anything you prefer.

Would it be possible to add permission to be able to insert recurring events? I don't want to allow everyone to create a bunch of events with one click (perhaps by mistake). Here I would also like the possibility to limit the maximum number of repetitions of the event per permission. At the same time, I would very much like to be able to limit the maximum number of active user events using permissions.
Suggestion logged: Add permission to be able to insert recurring events

The difference between a private and a public event is not entirely clear to me. I understand it's on global permissions. But I think it's confusing - at least I don't know how to promote it user-wise, I have different groups of users on the forum, intermingling with each other. I thought it would work by being the founder of the event restricting the event to only my selected list of users (specified by name)... ?
Events are posted as public by default, unless the event creator chooses to set them as private. Through permissions, you have the option to limit access to private events to specific groups, or you can choose to leave them unchanged (public).
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Veer updated [XenCustomize] Events Manager with a new update entry:

1.2.3 - New features, improvements and bug fixes!

Events Manager version 1.2.3 is now available for all licensed customers to download. In this update, we've implemented numerous new features and improvements, thanks to the funding provided by @requo. Additionally, we've addressed several bugs reported through our support forum.

✨New features & improvements​

  • Filter Events by RSVP Status:
    • ...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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