[XenCustomize] Events Manager

[XenCustomize] Events Manager [Paid] 1.3.1

No permission to buy ($65.00)
Non active events should disappeared from the list/grid view or should be an option for that at least. alternativly categories with permission to inculde or not to inculde in grid/list calendar.
Just tested it. Here're my suggestions:
  1. An option to set og:image for each event is necessary. This is a very important feature for social media marketing.
  2. An option to change the title without changing the URL is highly desired. XF has a built-in feature (Save URL). If there's an option to customize the metal-title, it'd be great.
  3. An option to add the event's website is highly desired (the organizer can be used as the anchor text.)
  4. An option to disable the event time (not date) is highly desired because it's a challenging job to get this level of detail for all events.

  1. Unable to connect an event to an existing thread if the thread type is Article. It says "xcu_em_new_event_discussion_thread_must_be_standard_thread"
  2. The google map does not show up.
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Non active events should disappeared from the list/grid view or should be an option for that at least. alternativly categories with permission to inculde or not to inculde in grid/list calendar.
Suggestion posted in the support forum. We'll see.

An option to set og:image for each event is necessary. This is a very important feature for social media marketing.
Suggestion posted in the support forum. I'd appreciate it if you kindly use our support forum for suggestions and bug reports.

An option to change the title without changing the URL is highly desired. XF has a built-in feature (Save URL). If there's an option to customize the metal-title, it'd be great.
Suggestion logged.

An option to add the event's website is highly desired (the organizer can be used as the anchor text.)
Suggestion logged. You can make use of custom fields in the meantime.

An option to disable the event time (not date) is highly desired because it's a challenging job to get this level of detail for all events.
While this change is unlikely to happen at this time, I've logged your suggestion for future review.

Unable to connect an event to an existing thread if the thread type is Article. It says "xcu_em_new_event_discussion_thread_must_be_standard_thread"
This is by design, as only discussion-type threads can be associated. However, it seems there's a missing phrase, logged in bug reports.

The google map does not show up.
To configure the map feature, head over to the Admin CP where you'll find dedicated settings for setting the map API key and choosing its display location.
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Loving this with a bit of customisation! I've made a few tweaks. Couple of questions as a tweak the templates for our use case:

1. How can I get the Discussion tab to show the number of comments? ie "Discussion (35 comments)" -- is it a setting or do I need to hack the template (and if so how?)

Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 11.36.56.webp

2. I want to put a conditional around the end date on the event page. As we use this for product releases, we just need a single release date, no end date. However sometimes an event might be a convention spanning multiple days, so I don't want to comment out the end date completely. Ideally I'd like to be able to not enter an end date, in which case it only shows the start date. But for a quick fix if there was a conditional I could use which was basically 'If the end date is not the same day as the start date' to decide whether to show the end date.

3. I find the extra fields thing confusing. I keep trying different combos but clearly I don't understand it! If I want an extra field which is a nicely formatted link to the official website of the event (i.e. no raw URL), what would I enter?

4. The first post in the discussion thread... is there any way it can show the content of the full event description rather than the short one?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
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1. How can I get the Discussion tab to show the number of comments? ie "Discussion (35 comments)" -- is it a setting or do I need to hack the template (and if so how?)
Open the xcu_event_view_wrapper_macros template, search for:
<xf:if is="$event.hasViewableDiscussion()">
<a class="tabs-tab {{ $selected == 'discussion' ? 'is-active' : '' }}" href="{{ link('threads', $event.Discussion) }}">{{ phrase('xcu_em_discussion') }}</a>

Replace it with:
<xf:if is="$event.hasViewableDiscussion()">
<a class="tabs-tab {{ $selected == 'discussion' ? 'is-active' : '' }}" href="{{ link('threads', $event.Discussion) }}">{{ phrase('xcu_em_discussion') }} {$event.Discussion.reply_count|parens}</a>
Still loving this add-on!

@Veer do you have any insight into those other questions above?

Also, on the conditionals front, in xcd_event_view_macros what conditional would I need to put around the location section? Some events don't have a location, so it would look better if it didn't show that section if no location has been entered. Thanks!
Thanks @Morrus :)

I'd appreciate it if you kindly use the support forum, and separate threads for each suggestion, bug, question etc.

Also, on the conditionals front, in xcd_event_view_macros what conditional would I need to put around the location section? Some events don't have a location, so it would look better if it didn't show that section if no location has been entered. Thanks!
Open xcu_event_view_macros template and replace <xf:if is="$xf.options.xcuEmLocationDisplayBelowContent"> with <xf:if is="$xf.options.xcuEmLocationDisplayBelowContent && $event.location">.
Thanks @Morrus :)

I'd appreciate it if you kindly use the support forum, and separate threads for each suggestion, bug, question etc.

Open xcu_event_view_macros template and replace <xf:if is="$xf.options.xcuEmLocationDisplayBelowContent"> with <xf:if is="$xf.options.xcuEmLocationDisplayBelowContent && $event.location">.
Thanks! I'll continue on the support forum. Appreciate the help!
Just came across this, looks promising!

Does this have the ability to add multiple dates/times within an event?

@Veer please fix these issue in this addon

In Event entity title you are not limiting the title to any number of characters, Which led to many titles to be larger and sometimes it throws error


In category Entity you are limiting it to 100 chars


Now I have many events having title greater than 100, So please make changes that will fix this issue and limit it at both places with 255 characters.

And please rename this "description" to "tagline" as this is limited to 255 chars and this created a big blunder for us on the website where a user has created many events and all of them contains half information.

Veer updated [XenCustomize] Events Manager with a new update entry:

1.2.5 - Maintenance update

Events Manager version 1.2.5 is now available for all licensed customers to download. In this update, we've made some minor tweaks and addressed bugs that were reported through our support forum.

⚙️ Changes:​

  • Added a maximum length constraint of 150 characters to the 'title' attribute in the event entity. Previously, although the 'title' column in the database was limited to...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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