Which addons would you require?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Floris
  • Start date Start date


What would be a showstopper for you during purchase, if you could get a copy -right now-, in regards to add-ons? Compared to other BBS solutions or what you are using right now?
My bare minimum to either come as standard or be a simple plugin on launch would need to be :-
  • SSO - Single Sign On (Wordpress / OpenID etc)
  • Twitter Intergration (Autopost on thread and ability to assosiate twitter account with each user)
  • Powerful CSS template engine
  • A Blog System
  • Fully Customizable URL formats (as advanced as being able to put each user profile on a subdomain etc)
  • Spam Management (One Click to delete all spam, and prevention like Akismet etc)
Security is a top priority for me
The reason I found this board, is because I am following Floris on twitter after the problems that VB had with the 3.86 release, he looked like someone who would warn me sooner of possible problems with the VB perhaps sooner than VB themselves. I moved to VB after a problem with PHBB a few years ago that lead to a security issue and my board being taken down by my host for 3 days. I wasn't affected by the 3.86 upgrade problem as I was still at 3.85 but if something so easy as that can get through testing then it has removed my confidence in the software.
Other than that my needs are fairly basic, Spam managment, and conversion from VB are a must but I'm sure they are amongst the first things on the list when this was being set up.
  • An advanced tag-like system for Secondary categorization of the user created content. It might sound strange at first, but that's one of the most important part for many communities just most of them don't know that because the actual implementation never done really well.
  • API for connecting other scripts (CMS etc.) and members (network multiple sites).
  • gallery (even if it's a very simple one) with categories
  • converter from vb 3.8
  • support for German language (even if I have to translate it myself)
  • decent permission system
  • decent performance on 1 million post+ forums
Required to have in a foreseeable future:
  • CMS (even if its basic)
  • blog
  • plugin system
Nice to have:

  • chat or shoutbox
  • invite system
Oh, one thing that would be huge for me would be if someone could actually figure out how to retain vBulletin user's passwords on a conversion. I know it's hashed and salted and all that, but even if the authentication system was sort of modular and it could simply use the existing vBulletin user salts if needed. I really wouldn't want to tell half a million users... "oh... make a new password." Very unprofessional...

Imagine if Facebook told all users they needed to reset their passwords... and then some users don't have access to the email they registered with, etc... becomes a nightmare.

They've already got this covered. Not sure if it's now or planned, but I saw Kier or Mike talk about it in these forums somewhere.

They plan on having a setting for password authentication on a per-user basis. So basically, if you convert your vB forum to xF, you would configure all of your vB members to authenticate in xF with vB's method (md5(md5(password).salt). Any new members that register will authenticate with xF's method.

I imagine that as your vB members change their passwords, their authentication method would auto-switch over to xF just to keep things as uniform as possible, but that's just my own personal assumption
What would be a showstopper for you during purchase, if you could get a copy -right now-, in regards to add-ons? Compared to other BBS solutions or what you are using right now?

Most likely I would develop what I need for myself, that's what I do with vB now, it's usually quicker to develop some small plugin/product than to search for someone elses unsecure code.
  • CMS that supports entry templates (eg, must fill fields).
  • Gallery system allowing both user galleries and public galleries.
  • Integrated multi-use extension like vBDynamics, with the ability to have multi WYSIWIG editor boxes.
  • Pseudo-Anonymous warnings system. I would want the warnings to show as coming from a generic username rather than the moderator that issued the warning, along with a "contest this warning" that allows the user to "appeal" a warning and have that written in to the relevant thread in the warnings forum.
  • User database sharing for authentication between multiple forums, including an individual forum post total and an overall total for all forums in the network.
  • The ability to share the database for authentication only with other (not my) forums. Yeah, I know this is a biggy as the problem with unique usernames would be a nightmare, but hey, it's a wishlist thread, right?
  • an actual CMS (or easy integration with existing available software)
  • shout/chat box
  • advanced spam management: ability to disable URLs for users with less than x posts and/or per usergroup
  • arcade (I guess not really a requirement, but some of my users would be upset to lose this if we converted)
i have read threw all of this and love this project and support it. I would just want more room for modifications and easy programming language. I knew vb3 in and out and then went to vb4 and had to redo alot of things , as far as programming. I think easier and better and at least have the work validated by w3c . VB too many errors there.

I would love a shop. I have one now and had to integrate it the hard way but it does work. Also i totally agree on wordpres / joomla login. I have serveral users that need that. I currently have digital download shop and would love to have one for this project and easy to maintain on the backend.

I would love to test product out if you need testers ...

Also just CMS and gallery ..
for me though digital download shop and gallery would be best.
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