Which addons do you find essential?


Well-known member
We are very excited with converting to Xenforo from PhpBB3.0.12. Now as we'll be purchasing our license, I see a few Xenforo addons:

- Media gallery
- Ressource manager
- Enhanced search

Which made me think - I would like to hear from users what addons they consider essential for their forum, especially big ones (10,000+ members). I know I am definitely considering Xenporta 2 to create a customized landing page.

As far as other addons, feel free to chime in as well, whether used for aesthetic, maintenance or function.

Thank you in advance,


@tajhay: I always use the search first. I haven't found such a thread, but would be grateful if you know of one and could share it here. Or, maybe if you can help me with a search string. I'm French, so I don't always know what to call what I'm looking for.

@D.O.A., I'm not sure what you mean. What is a mod CMS for Xenforo?

@tajhay: I always use the search first. I haven't found such a thread, but would be grateful if you know of one and could share it here. Or, maybe if you can help me with a search string. I'm French, so I don't always know what to call what I'm looking for.

@D.O.A., I'm not sure what you mean. What is a mod CMS for Xenforo?


He means using Wordpress/Joomla/Drupal or similar with XenForo.
@tajhay: I always use the search first. I haven't found such a thread, but would be grateful if you know of one and could share it here. Or, maybe if you can help me with a search string. I'm French, so I don't always know what to call what I'm looking for.

@D.O.A., I'm not sure what you mean. What is a mod CMS for Xenforo?

content management. At the moment there are a few portals and basic systems you can use for a landing page but none of them are comparable to wordpress with a bridge login. It depends what your goal is anyway.
I like the Post Ratings add-on. Great options for a like-driven world, where everyone wants a one-click method to give feedback. "Like" is not always the feedback that someone wants to give, so this lets you add lots of other options:

The UI.X framework is indispensable for me. It has lots of features and tons of options for custom looks. Friendly developers who are always improving the product so it's basically like getting a custom theme that just gets better over time:
Thanks all...

I've been building WP sites for many years, I didn't know you could use WP with Xenforo, that's a first I hear about it. I should check this out. Do you have a website example, D.O.A.?

Thanks Ridemonkey, I bookmarked them to read later on.

What about the addons Xenforo offers on their license page?

- Media gallery
- Ressource manager
- Enhanced search

Anyone using them can give feedback?

I assume you have a big board, Enhanced Search is very good to have. I should have bought if myself by now.
Resource Manager and Media Gallery depends on what your forum is about. I personally have no use for Resource Manager.
Okay, here's what I'd think would be good for your site.

Resource Manager it looks like your users have lots to share
XenTag get users in the habit of tagging threads, it's very useful in future when you want to show popular content -> https://xenforo.com/community/resources/tinhte-xentag.770/
s9e Media BBcodes loooks like these will be useful being a media heavy forum -> https://xenforo.com/community/resources/s9e-media-bbcodes-pack.2476/
Audio essential for your forum I'd say, embed a small mp3 into posts => https://xenforo.com/community/resources/audio.3459/
JW Player if your users share videos a lot -> https://xenforo.com/community/resources/jw-player.3440/
XenForo Media Gallery if your users share a lot of pictures

and a few extras which I find very useful for any forum,

New User Conversation welcome new members with a PM -> https://xenforo.com/community/resources/new-user-conversation.3644/
[bd] Cache really speeds up forums -> https://xenforo.com/community/resources/bd-cache.2763/
Prefix Forum Listing if you choose to force thread prefixes, this makes it really easy to find threads you want to read -> https://xenforo.com/community/resources/prefix-forum-listing.80/
Similar Threads it will be particularly useful for your forum I think -> https://xenforo.com/community/resources/similar-threads.2441/
[bd] Medal you could award users for anything you like -> https://xenforo.com/community/resources/bd-medal.964/
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