
VaultWiki [Paid] 4.1.7 Patch Level 1

No permission to buy ($15.00)
I have paid your addon two times at 4.5.2017. One time it was a mistake. I dont need any license for vbulletin. The second time paid it for xenforo, but there was no download for me. Please offer me a download for xenforo or give me my money back. And please send me the money back for the wrong license also.
You're better off asking on their forum or using their ticket system.
Security Update:
We highly recommend that all users running VaultWiki 4.x in a production environment update to a patched release.
The following patches, issued August 6, 2017, address the aforementioned issues:
  • 4.0.18 Patch Level 1
  • 4.0.17 Patch Level 3
  • 4.0.16 Patch Level 4
  • 4.0.15 Patch Level 8
  • 4.0.14 Patch Level 11
  • 4.0.13 Patch Level 11
I am considering adding Wiki functionality to a small nonprofit forum and have a few questions;
  1. I would like to understand the licensing system. Is it $10 every time you want to upgrade or is it $10 every month for perpetuity? If I purchase a $10 license will I be able to continue using the product or will it stop working after 30 days?
  2. In understand that Vaultwiki is large. Will installation of Vaultwiki slow down access to other content?
Thank you
1. It's $10 every time you want to upgrade, unless you are using the branding removal option. With branding removal, the branding reappears every 30 days.
2. Any add-on will add some processing time, but it should not have a significant impact on access to other content. If it does, let us know so we can help you tweak the performance or fix it if it's a bug.
As of October 17, 2017, VaultWiki 4.0.20 is available for download. The release includes a handful of new features, over 50 bug fixes, and other changes and tweaks. See the changelog for a complete list.

This release has quite a few styling improvements.

Download here:

Many of the improvements were implemented as a result of running Vaultwiki live on my big board.
As requested :
Front end just seems messy, not sure what it is that seems that way,
@Jake B. I think that Vaultwiki has come a long way since 2014. What do you think now?
Also, something I forgot to mention in my previous post is the splash page you have when you edit a page, perhaps just use the XenForo AutoValidate to validate entries (and display a modal if there are errors) and then use the ResponseRedirect to redirect to the edited page with a message that says it was edited, instead of a completely separate page for that. Just small things like that make it not have that "XenForo feel" and makes it seem out of place, but then again I may just be nit-picking
@pegasus I think this is still very valid feedback and I completely agree with it. Is it possible to implement this?
Edit: I added a suggestion in your tracker:
Last edited:
Fatal Error: attempted to instantiate non-existent class vw_Dependency_Model [path]/vault/core/model/dependency/vw.php does not exist or does not contain the specified class.

If VaultWiki cannot find the path to itself, try manually setting the VW_DEPOT_PATH in your vault/config.php file.
pegasus updated VaultWiki with a new update entry:

Changes in 4.0.17

(released February 28, 2017)
  • Create New Page button on Wiki Index
  • Remove All User Subscriptions via Inline Moderation
  • Renamed some Admin Panel headings to avoid confusion
  • Fixed guests can't view user's list of feeds
  • Fixed conflict with add-on: sonnb XenGallery
  • Fixed conflict with add-on: Remove Likes
  • At least 20 other bugs were fixed

Read the rest of this update entry...
pegasus updated VaultWiki with a new update entry:

Changes in 4.0.18

(released May 30, 2017)
  • Form-Based Import Configuration and Validation
  • Select All for Add Existing Page dialog
  • Mass Search-and-Replace Tool
  • Fixed array-to-string conversion while saving some BB-Codes
  • Fixed fatal error while add-on disable is still processing
  • Fixed missing database records for users who registered while add-on was disabled
  • Over 80 other fixes and improvements not necessarily affecting the Lite version

Read the rest of this update entry...
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