User Essentials [Paid] [Deleted]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Syndol
  • Start date Start date
Thanks Syndol, and sorry, I didn't mean to imply your addon was the issue.

Ended up changing it to
if (!empty($fetchOptions['******AdvStats_join_last_post']) AND isset($fetchOptions['join']) AND !($fetchOptions['join'] & self::FETCH_USER)) {
as the site would error out if 'join' wasn't defined. This seems to have reversed the effect, being logged out shows the thread starter and being logged in shows the latest reply.
This seems to have reversed the effect, being logged out shows the thread starter and being logged in shows the latest reply.
Well you will have to take it up with the other add-on's author I'm afraid as he is fetching information that is specific to his needs and circumstances.
He has to decide what to do if the user join is already populated (which this add-on does not even use).
I don't have that add-on installed but you could try:
if (!empty($fetchOptions['******AdvStats_join_last_post']) AND (empty($fetchOptions['join']) || !($fetchOptions['join'] & self::FETCH_USER))) {
All things work good except edit own thread title and edit reason.

I set his permission (edit thread title, unlimit time) to yes in user group permission, but he can't edit thread title.

also I disabled other addons but nothing changed.

any idea?
Did you set it in user group or forum? The forum permission always overrides the group permission.

I've freshly installed XF 1.1.3 and User Essentials in another directory, but nothing changed.

Surely I tried to set forum permission.
Edit your post, never post admin details publicly.
ok, I deleted it.

Did you tested?

When I clicked 'more options' with admin account, also can't edit thread titles and there is no edit reason input box whether User Essential is installed or not.

Is it normal?

That's really weird.
You only added that user to admin group, not as an administrator. You need to check both your forum settings and user group settings. First check the user group settings, go to Admin CP - Users - User Groups, then click on the user group you want to edit the permission from. Mine is as below:

Make sure it isn't checked off on the red one, but rather the green one.

Then go to Applications - Display Node Tree and check the node permission:

That should either be Grey or Green. If it is Grey, check further up the node tree, it might be a parent that has it set to no.

I see have screenshotted the wrong permission in the first, the text is different but principle is same for thread title.
It sounds like your template edits did not work.
If you have TMS installed then it should look like this, otherwise you will have to do the edits manually:
Please see the ReadMe file or the main resource page on how to apply these template edits.
Suggestions: When a user changes their name can it update their trophy names if they're listed in award if?
Suggestions: When a user changes their name can it update their trophy names if they're listed in award if?
Do you mean here? If so then that is a bit of an overkill especially since those fields may contain partial names (text snippets).
Since the User Log is searchable and allows you to search by action (in this case a user name change) then I don't think it is too difficult (or asking too much from an Admin) to keep track of the changes.
Ah. Okay, makes sense. Is there a log telling us when users changed their name so we can know whe nto update that?

Also, is there a way we can cap username changes to like once every 30 days?
The above image of the user log! ACP->tools
You can set the total number of times they can change their name. Please see the options page.
Hey Syndol, something that IMHO would be great to combine with the username change, is the ability to not only cap the username changes as you have done so, but to also add it with other variables, such as post limits and other possibilities.

For example, I only allow a new member to change their username based on they screwed up at registration and used their real name, then have a doh moment. So they get one change within their first 15 posts, after that it is fixed.

Is it possible to have such flexibility with that option? Right now I simply don't use it because it has no other limiting factors, that I know of anyway.
Syndol updated User Essentials with a new update entry:

Version 1.0.9

What's new:
  • Added an option to set a max post count to name changes. Beyond this count a user will not be able to change their name. This option overrides the User Name Max Changes option. This ensures new members can only change their name relatively soon after registering. Use Zero (0) to disable the limit.
Upgrade Instructions:
  1. Upload the file 'Upload/library/UserEss/Model/User.php' to your server, overwriting the old one
  2. Upload the file...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi Syndol,

It may have been asked, but do you have any plans to implement a charge / payment option for a name change?

I get asked a lot currently on our board tfor name changes, so would rather just let people pay a minor fee and have the service automated for them.


Actually thinking about it I could probably work it out the same by creating a tempory user promotion group (for a day or 2) and only attach the name change function to that.
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