The bright side for the vB Team...

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What a cool thing to announce a feature that vb3 already had 8 months ago - one of the reasons I couldn't upgrade to vb4 because my users would have killed me.
It's the cut&paste for iPhone .. re-inventing the wheel.
However, I am sure when Kier/Mike consider custom profiles (which I hope they do), it will be really done like the iPhone; Done right.
Is this thread really serving a great benefit here? I'm all for constructive discussion and mentioning things you dislike (in comparison with another option), but taking pot shots isn't cool.
Is this thread really serving a great benefit here? I'm all for constructive discussion and mentioning things you dislike (in comparison with another option), but taking pot shots isn't cool.

For me, it's a sales point. Another prime example of why I am going to spend my money on this product, where you get the true feeling of honesty, vs false promises and constantly changing situations of other software packages.
I've never been one to feel like there is gain in putting others down. I prefer to take the high road...just me.
Perhaps it would be best to close this thread? The OP got his point across nicely. Enough said there.
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