TeamSpeak 3 Integration

TeamSpeak 3 Integration [Paid] 1.1.26

No permission to buy ($35.00)
Depends which widget you're referring to. My version or Jaxel's?

I have no idea, it is just called TS3 Viewer in the Layout, and the widget ID is TeamSpeak3 and it was all configured under the XenPorta 2 Pro console in the Home page in the admin settings.
Any answer on this one? Clan members are getting a little bit pissed off that it does not refresh with the page reload unless it is done via F5 or using the Refresh button on the browser.
Hi Nixfifty,

Wondering if you can help, (i'm from the same site as Docstone) and we are now using your addon, its displaying on the front page fine but we are having real issues with it syncing identities.

Even though I dont want to be given such high level privs I have added into the server admin query group, it will let you sync an identity with it and it will assign you the user groups as defined. If you then go back into your profile and select “identities” to view your linked profiles the page will time out and an error log will be generated in the server log thus;

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded - library\NixFifty\TeamSpeak\Api.php:4682
Generated By: USERNAME, X minutes ago

#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}

array(3) {
["url"] => string(66) "[/URL]"
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["account/teamspeak/identities"] => string(0) ""
["_POST"] => array(0) {

From that point onwards the addon will not do anything other then display the server, it will hang every time you try to sync an identity or view one. We colocate our own box and the forum is hosted on the same box as the TS server, the IP is whitelisted also.
Its a good addon with a lot of potential. But we wait since May for an announced update. I need the update to have a more polished functionality - only after that update it will be as stable as I want to be released to my forum. I hope it comes soon, but I hope that already since May. So I dont expect anything until the promised update is released.
Any news on a update with those ideas mentioned in Looking to get this, but it's lacking features for the price.

Its a good addon with a lot of potential. But we wait since May for an announced update. I need the update to have a more polished functionality - only after that update it will be as stable as I want to be released to my forum. I hope it comes soon, but I hope that already since May. So I dont expect anything until the promised update is released.
Will be soon guys, just finished moving to a new city and pushing out this update is pretty high on my agenda. Just catching up on stuff I've missed. :)
NixFifty updated TeamSpeak 3 Integration - with a new update entry:


Apologies for the delays in getting a new version out but I've been swamped with personal life commitments as well as a move to a new city, which has brought its own challenges. Things are settling down now and I'm getting back in to the swing of things. Expect some pretty sweet features in 1.2.0 in addition to a license extension as a gesture of goodwill in the next couple of weeks but for now here's a security orientated update. Thanks for your continued patience. :)

We strongly recommend...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Glad you fixed the security issue that fast.

One more feature recommendation:
- Check if the IP on the Teamspeak is the same as the IP on the forums for the specific user, I had users abusing the system and giving each other rights.

You could also alternatively revoke the groups when you unlink someone.
- Check if the IP on the Teamspeak is the same as the IP on the forums for the specific user, I had users abusing the system and giving each other rights.
Definitely something to consider for the upcoming 1.2.0 update.
You could also alternatively revoke the groups when you unlink someone.
This is already in 1.2.0. :)
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