Showcase (Reviews, Guides, Garage, Directory etc)

Showcase (Reviews, Guides, Garage, Directory etc) [Paid] 2.9.0

No permission to buy ($55.00)
Our beta testers are loving this so far!

One thing I can't figure out is how to do any kind of advanced search or field search. I remember seeing a screenshot earlier in this thread that showed a more precise search, but all I see is the 'Search Showcase Only' tickbox in the quicksearch menu. Am I missing something?
One thing I can't figure out is how to do any kind of advanced search or field search. I remember seeing a screenshot earlier in this thread that showed a more precise search, but all I see is the 'Search Showcase Only' tickbox in the quicksearch menu. Am I missing something?
Its integrated with core XF search functionality. You can access it via the "Search Showcase" link in the navigation or via Search Showcase Tab on the XenForo search page. Showcase has 2 different search functionalities (General Keyword Search and Advanced Field Search).

Selection_505.webp Selection_506.webp
I think I have the 'Search Showcase' link in the navigation hidden – what is the url for it?

I'm not seeing a Search Showcase tab n the xf search page. Is there a permissions option that I need to set somewhere?
I think I have the 'Search Showcase' link in the navigation hidden – what is the url for it?

I'm not seeing a Search Showcase tab n the xf search page. Is there a permissions option that I need to set somewhere?
Sounds like a permissions issue. I sent you an inbox to discuss (since I don't provide support for my paid addons in a pre sales thread).
How can you prevent a owner from rating there own item during creation?
I have played with permissions but can find ones that work or a setting to hide this?


There is a new category setting in the next version that allows the Author Rating to be enabled/disabled for items within each category. It will be available in Showcase 2.5.0 (note, this version will require xf 1.5.0). In the mean time, if you want to temp remove it, shoot me an inbox.
Is it possible to display search results in the grid/gallery layout that's used on the main Showcase page?
What is the recommended method to change the wording "Showcase" to "Garage"?
Can it be done without editing 100 phrases?
Send me an inbox reminder tomorrow when I am at work. I have an XML that I made for someone yesterday that you can use (its on my laptop at the office)
Is Showcase 1.3.0 compatible with xenforo 1.5? Thanks.
I don't know, I've not tested that OLD of a version against XF 1.5 (I've tested all the 2.x versions). You should test it out on your development machine and if not, upgrade to the latest version of SC. If I had to guess, it should work (specially if you are running xf 1.4 now). IMO, you really SHOULD update the addon tho. SC 1.3.0 was released Aug 29th, 2013. There has been 1 Major point release (SC 2.x) and 4 2nd point releases since then (2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4) and a 5th one (2.5) in a few weeks. Keeping current is important. I know your situation tho (very customized). I do think in the end run that you'd be better off upgrading. More than happy to help you out if I can.
Question: Are the showcase tags integrated with xenforo 1.5's new tag feature? That is, if I search for a tag using xenforo, will showcase items matching that tag appear (assuming the tag has been applied)? Thanks.
Hey Bob, First off Great stuff. Ive built the same project on both th RM and Showcase.. I find the abundance of options a nightmare to get used to but well worth it and it really only took a few hours to get pretty familiar with it.. Running a similier setup using the RM as the framework made adapting to Showcase pretty easy.. Since showcase is set up from scratch for a variety of uses i found it to be a far superior product for my personal needs..

I did have one question.. On my instance of showcase i am using it to "Showcase Champion Dobermans from all over the world and have set up multiple custom fields within the parameters of this plugin out of the box.. Most of these fields simply require specific images.. Specific poses (called Stacking) for judging.. In these cases i have had to enable the full redactor simply to allow members to embed a picture in a custom field.. Would it be possible for me to pay for custom development for a single line input field that would automatically parse the url with the img bb code as an option for the custom fields?

Hope that made sense.. I do know the included fields are typical but can custom fields be added? Its just super over kill to use a full wysiwyg editor simply to wrap tags around url in my application..

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Would it be possible for me to pay for custom development for a single line input field that would automatically parse the url with the img bb code as an option for the custom fields?
You can already do that with the single-line text box input and using the Value Display HTML. Shoot me an inbox and I'll chat with you on how this works :)
DSM Profiles | DSMtuners <--- That is showcase using List View Layout. Showcase has 3 different layout types for Listing Pages (List View, Grid View and Article View) (Showcase Home has an additional layout that consists of Modular Sliders). Each listing page can set its own layout (and each category also has the ability to set its own layout..

btw, I change the Showcase Home page to use List View so you can see what default looks like.

EDIT: I also switch the sorting interface from dropdown to Tabbed (you have the option to use one or the other) and removed the Featured Items slider.
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DSM Profiles | DSMtuners <--- That is showcase using List View Layout. Showcase has 3 different layout types for Listing Pages (List View, Grid View and Article View) (Showcase Home has an additional layout that consists of Modular Sliders). Each listing page can set its own layout (and each category also has the ability to set its own layout..

btw, I change the Showcase Home page to use List View so you can see what default looks like.

EDIT: I also switch the sorting interface from dropdown to Tabbed (you have the option to use one or the other) and removed the Featured Items slider.

This view is exactly what we need
I will buy it now :)
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