Showcase (Reviews, Guides, Garage, Directory etc)

Showcase (Reviews, Guides, Garage, Directory etc) [Paid] 2.9.0

No permission to buy ($55.00)
Hi, is it compatible with Xenforo 2.2.7?
This resource is for the XF1 version of Showcase.

I do have an XF2 version of Showcase and yes, its compatible with XF 2.2.7. All my addons are always compatible with the current stable version of XF.
Ok, one more question, please. Can a showcase item be "tagged" on a forum post?

For example, if there's an item named "Donald Duck" on the showcase when a user uses the word "Donald Duck" on his post, will it be linked to the showcase item?
Ok, one more question, please. Can a showcase item be "tagged" on a forum post?

For example, if there's an item named "Donald Duck" on the showcase when a user uses the word "Donald Duck" on his post, will it be linked to the showcase item?
No. It does have Embed functionality tho (same as XFMG, except for a Showcase Item). You can embed a Showcase item into an content type that uses the Core XF RTE.
Ok, one more question, please. Can a showcase item be "tagged" on a forum post?

For example, if there's an item named "Donald Duck" on the showcase when a user uses the word "Donald Duck" on his post, will it be linked to the showcase item?
No, but there is another addon (siropu keyword linking) that I use to do exactly that. Showcase is a fantastic product with amazing support and always being further developed.
@Bob Old bump but had a question before I dive in. Is there a way to link a current thread to a showcase? My site has 229 pages of builds and while some will jump at the chance to create a garage entry with all the awesome tools you offer, a lot aren't going to want to give up their current build discussion. I LOVE the fact that you integrate discussions into showcase...hoping there is some way to covert a thread to showcase or similar.
@Bob Old bump but had a question before I dive in. Is there a way to link a current thread to a showcase? My site has 229 pages of builds and while some will jump at the chance to create a garage entry with all the awesome tools you offer, a lot aren't going to want to give up their current build discussion. I LOVE the fact that you integrate discussions into showcase...hoping there is some way to covert a thread to showcase or similar.
Yes, Showcase has a "Convert Thread to Item" Moderator function. It takes data from the Thread and First Post and creates a new Showcase item from that data, then associates the thread with the newly created item.

Showcase also has functionality to create a discussion thread for items that don't have a discussion thread, as well as connect to an existing thread (thread type must be standard discussion or article). Hit me up in private to discuss in more detail :)
I have a forum with this add-on installed. I'm curious if anyone knows if an importer exists to import all the images from this add-on into the XF media gallery? I haven't been able to find one so far.
I have a forum with this add-on installed. I'm curious if anyone knows if an importer exists to import all the images from this add-on into the XF media gallery? I haven't been able to find one so far.
I think @Forsaken might have something (altho, that might have been attachment mirroring and not really an importer). Might be worth contacting him.
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