s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.15.6

No permission to download
I reviewed the link you posted and attempted to do that. It still won't allow the Google Doc file to embed. I can embed spreadsheets from my account and also any other media I have there. It just doesn't seem to work with the word processing files.

I'm not complaining as I have no problem just saving those files as pdf's and linking them. I just wanted to let you know in case you were interested in trying to figure it out.
so i checked and embedding does not seem to work.

here is a public document url:


here is the embed code

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTut-Ln4jLklu1Ey_0AB8HgjqtUGmIkUbj_ufEzHgARpBZ6Dq7DrFjoYV73shhJqKuUqsbkFi4F-Yq3/pub?embedded=true"></iframe>
I reviewed the link you posted and attempted to do that. It still won't allow the Google Doc file to embed.
If you send me a link to that file, I'll see if that's something that can be embedded.

so i checked and embedding does not seem to work.
Oh ok, I read that wrong the first time. (missed the "not" part) I'll check that URL asap. Edit: I looked into it and as it turns out, the add-on only supports Google Drive and Google Sheets. There are some technical issues that prevent me from supporting the whole Google Docs suite at the moment but I'll think about it.

hello, how to embed jwplayer, telegram?
Usually you just post the URL and XenForo converts it. Otherwise there's a button in the editor.

The list of supported URLs is on this page: https://s9etextformatter.readthedocs.io/Plugins/MediaEmbed/Sites/#telegram
Last edited:
For telegram, the content must have a public url. Here is a url that should embed just fine with this addon https://t.me/durov/125
Is there a way with this to lose the annoying mobile overlay you get with Soundcloud (huge big link to download there app stops the normal play button from working) users have to click on the less obvious Listen in Browser to get the audio to play on the thread.

Hi there. Great addon thank you :)

It works great the only niggle I have is that when people embed a mixcloud link it doesn't add in a thumbnail? Please see attached. The youtube and soundcloud ones work great but the mixcloud posts just have a play button



  • mixcloud.webp
    13.2 KB · Views: 5
Updated BBC News, Bleacher Report, CNBC, MSNBC.
Removed defunct sites Healthguru, HumorTV, Livecap, Yahoo! Screen.
Darn, I came here to ask if you could add Yahoo! Sports.
The site I manage has users asking why Yahoo links don't show a preview.
They like to see UFC and Motorycling news from Yahoo.

Example link that does not show any preview:

Oddly enough, it seems to show a preview here on the Xenforo forum which does not use your plugin?
But on the site I manage (which uses your plugin), it's just showing up as a URL-only.

I thought I asked about this before but when I search this thread, no mention of Yahoo is found other than the "Yahoo! Screen" I quoted.
Is there a way with this to lose the annoying mobile overlay you get with Soundcloud
I don't think so. Soundcloud decided to have an overlay and there's nothing we can do about it.

There is a new kid on the block called Clyp - https://clyp.it . It is an alternative to SoundCloud.

Is it possible to include this to the addon to embed tracks?
I can't look into it right now but I'll consider it.

It works great the only niggle I have is that when people embed a mixcloud link it doesn't add in a thumbnail? Please see attached. The youtube and soundcloud ones work great but the mixcloud posts just have a play button
I don't know what a mixcloud post is. I don't suppose it's meant to be embedded?

Darn, I came here to ask if you could add Yahoo! Sports.
The Yahoo! Sports embedded player is pretty bad. It's not a regular video player, as I recall it has a bunch of extra thumbnails and user interface from their site. I'm not sure it's worth supporting unless you want to sponsor its addition. If that's the case you can send me a message and I'll give you more details. Otherwise, I'll think about it and I may reconsider but I don't remember Yahoo! Sports being a good fit.

But on the site I manage (which uses your plugin), it's just showing up as a URL-only.
That's unrelated to the add-on. Either URL unfurling is disabled or your server is unable to fetch the link's data from the origin. Make sure that unfurling is enabled and try asking in the regular support forum if it doesn't work.

on version 2.6.5
What's the URL of the page shown in that screenshot. AFAIK Twitch works fine in 2.6.5.
I don't know what a mixcloud post is. I don't suppose it's meant to be embedded?
Hi there. I mean the thumbnail for mixcloud isn't showing but it is for soundcloud and youtube - if you check my attachment the 2nd and 4th ones are mixcloud


  • overlay.webp
    24 KB · Views: 2
I can see the picture but how can I reproduce it on my board? What's a mixcloud post and what's their URL?
Ok I'm starting to understand. You're talking about regular songs. I tried that URL on my board and it works fine, so I'm going to guess the screenshot is from XenForo Media Gallery, not from a regular thread. Is that correct? In that case, the thumbnail used in XenForo gallery is not selected by this addon, that's something you'd have to ask in the XFMG support forum.
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