s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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strange how there is no support for gyazo yet, ive seen a lot of people using this site and trying to post animated clips like these: "https://i.gyazo.com/a00592982ceec41ebd4b59437f971a42.mp4" extension is usually mp4...

not sure if its built in Xenforo yet or no, but would be nice to have support for direct links to video files like above to render in a HTML5 player via the media BBCODE...

i tested this in my chat page and it didn't render anything.. i'm using Siropu's Paid Chat
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For Gyazo and similar sites that provide direct links to the video file I recommend using a generic video BBCode instead.
I have a weird issue that I am not sure it is the addon or something else.


It loads as a video just fine for desktop or an iPad but does not on an iPhone.

Here are the screenshots of each.


It loads as a video just fine for desktop or an iPad but does not on an iPhone.

I don't know. I looked into it but they didn't offer me a normal link to embed that video, only a direct link to the MP4 file. You may want to try to embed those via a video BBCode maybe.

I thought my.mixtape used to work with this.

I have no trace of ever supporting that site so it's got to be another add-on.

For that kind of direct links it's better to use a generic "HTML5" video BBCode.

I've had a report that non-pin/board links from Pinterest are trying to embed which results in a blank.
e.g. https://www.pinterest.com/explore/business-smart-dress-code/?lp=true

It's impossible to tell board and non-board links apart but I can exclude URLs that start with "explore". Are there other non-board links that should be excluded?

Is it possible to embed Beam videos?

As far as I know, no it's not possible. They simply don't offer that feature and from what I can tell people have been them for months.

@JoshyPHP I asked about iTunes being added last year, any chance you can take a look at it again to see if you'll be able to do it?

Would you mind linking me to the previous discussion to refresh my memory? I looked at Graphiq but their audience is too small and they ask me to register to their site to embed their thing.

When I try to post the following media, I get the error message below. Any idea how to fix this?

It works for me on my local 1.5.13 board. Maybe you have a setting that requires posts to contain some non-URL text to be valid? Try the general support, they may know more about that.
It's impossible to tell board and non-board links apart but I can exclude URLs that start with "explore". Are there other non-board links that should be excluded?
Thanks, they do seem to mix things up quite a lot.
So far I've found these which should be excluded:
(e.g. https://uk.pinterest.com/search/boards/?q=excellent plugins)
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@JoshyPHP quick question...

It's very annoying when there's a Twitter or Facebook post embed in a thread, and when a link to a certain post in the thread is opened, the thread opens up fine in the correct position (if linking to specific post), but then the Twitter / Facebook embed loads after the fact, and the browser loses the post's position because the Twitter / Facebook "pushes" the content down once it's finished loading that embed.

Any solution?
I've just installed this to play with embedding Tweets, and Facebook and Instagram posts - is there any way to control the font size of the embedded text that is loaded into the iframe? I'd like to reduce them slightly.


PS. Great add-on @JoshyPHP (y)
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