s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

No permission to download
As far as I can tell, they don't provide a way to embed them. The site looks very young too, so I'd probably wait for it to show some traction before adding it officially.

There's's also a couple of weird things about this site. Some videos are actually hosted on Twitter.
As far as I can tell, they don't provide a way to embed them. The site looks very young too, so I'd probably wait for it to show some traction before adding it officially.

There's's also a couple of weird things about this site. Some videos are actually hosted on Twitter.
Thanks for looking into it.
I'm having a strange issue... I installed the latest version of this plugin on a XF 1.5 forum and it works perfectly for me and other forum members, but another forum member reported the links are not being converted to embed

The problem is those links look different. For example if I copy this URL on the forum:

Then it looks like this in my post (and the embed works)

But in the posts of the forum member who reported the problem, the links look like this:
[URL='https://lavidaesunmus.bandcamp.com/album/niebla-mental']Niebla Mental | Miss España | LA VIDA ES UN MUS DISCOS (bandcamp.com)[/URL]

So it seems the embed media don't work when the URL bbcode uses a title instead of just the URL

But what I don't understand is why are the links being automatically converted to titles only for this specific forum member and not others?
It's embedded correctly on my test board. If it doesn't work for you, it's most likely that your server is experiencing some connectivity issues to Bandcamp's server. It may even be banned from connecting to it. In that case, your only recourse is to embed the album manually. You can find the album ID in the "embed" code that can be found on the album's page. It takes 3-4 clicks to get to it.

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