s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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just curious if there's support for single imgur images? i see albums, but not single images...
Yup, only albums at the moment. I'm still torn about including images. I understand that some people post URLs as text and expect them to turn into images. On the other hand, I'm afraid it could introduce some inconsistencies. For instance, it sidesteps XenForo's proxy. Assuming XenForo can manage permissions related to the use of the IMG tag, that wouldn't be the case here. And it would be rendered using a different HTML code too, making images embedded via Imgur look different from the same image included with the IMG tag.

Ultimately, I think I will end up turning Imgur links into images. But currently I still have reservations and since images already have a BBCode it doesn't seem like a pressing matter, that's why I feel I can take more time to make a better informed decision.
I don't mean to step in the middle of this, but I literally do not understand why a single image would even need a BBCode other than the IMG. Can anyone explain that to me because I'm kind of curious now.
It's for convenience. It's not the BBCode that's useful, it's the mechanism that turns text links into images. People can copy/paste an image's URL in text (not using the editor's button) and it becomes an image.
It's for convenience. It's not the BBCode that's useful, it's the mechanism that turns text links into images. People can copy/paste an image's URL in text (not using the editor's button) and it becomes an image.
Ah, if you have the auto bbcode links setup. Gotcha. I just couldn't see it. Between the upload and the IMG I was a little lost on the usefulness.
Wikiloc seems too niche for its inclusion, but you can add it to your forums yourself easily with the following settings.
Media Site ID: wikiloc
   Site Title: Wikiloc
   Match URLs: .wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id={$id}
   Embed HTML: <iframe frameBorder="0" src="http://es.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/spatialArtifacts.do?event=view&id={$id}&measures=off&title=off&near=off&images=off&maptype=S" width="500" height="400"></iframe>
Is there a way to make soundcloud embeds stretch across the width of the page rather than a standard width?
Not currently, but I intend to harmonize the size of the music players' embeds. Audiomack already uses the full width but I haven't updated Soundcloud yet. I'm thinking about setting them to use 100% of the width up to 800px so that it doesn't stretches to humongous lengths on big displays. What do you think?

Can this Addon *mkv / *mp4 / *mp3 ??
No, and it never will because I only target specific sites.
Not currently, but I intend to harmonize the size of the music players' embeds. Audiomack already uses the full width but I haven't updated Soundcloud yet. I'm thinking about setting them to use 100% of the width up to 800px so that it doesn't stretches to humongous lengths on big displays. What do you think?

That's a great idea. For me, it would be great to allow full stretching and if you feel 800px is a nice limit to have, that would work also. (I'm one of those with a humongous display! ;) )
Wikiloc seems too niche for its inclusion, but you can add it to your forums yourself easily with the following settings.
Media Site ID: wikiloc
   Site Title: Wikiloc
   Match URLs: .wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id={$id}
   Embed HTML: <iframe frameBorder="0" src="http://es.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/spatialArtifacts.do?event=view&id={$id}&measures=off&title=off&near=off&images=off&maptype=S" width="500" height="400"></iframe>

Thanks for point the right direction on this, changed it a bit to show more details (someone may get this usefull too)

<iframe frameBorder="0" src="http://wikiloc.com/wikiloc/spatialArtifacts.do?event=view&id={$id}&measures=on&title=off&near=off&images=on&maptype=S" width="650px" height="600px"></iframe>
What kind of content from Scribd would you embed? Scribd documents can be presented 3 different ways: scroll, book and slideshow. You can see what they look like when you click the Share > Embed button at the top of the page. What kind of presentation would you recommend? Same for the dimensions, by default they are set to 100% width and 600px height. I'm not sure that's the best dimensions for a forum.
Was trying to embed the above link! I am basically fine with scroll. The basic idea is to give a preview and the user can then expand the preview in full screen to read the document. Since I am using a responsive layout with fixed maximum width, 100% works for me! But you would have a better idea what suits a more wider audience! I see you are using 100% width for Google Sheets?
Yes, 100% width and resizable because Google Sheets are usually big. My own experience with Scribd is mostly with presentation slides (from conference talks) so I'm more used to the slideshow type.
Anything other than a static link works for me! I usually use Scribd to embed brochures so slideshow would be great.
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