s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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youtube mobile app now has a new sharing method which creates a new kind of link.

Sometimes I think to myself: "You know what would make the web great? If there were more links pointing to the same thing but incompatible with each other and that become obsolete after a couple of years" and on that front, big sites like YouTube DE-LI-VER.

I'll see what I can do in the next update.

Would it be possible for you to implement an option (like the "two-click-solution" for Facebook Like-Buttons existing here), to be set by the admin in ACP?
When viewing a message with embedded content it would not immediatly call / send data to the foreign website, but the visitor would just see a local "blank include" (best would be with the logo of the foreign website) and has to click on it to load the embedded content (not only a hiding, it has to be a loaded afterwards). That way he would "agree" to send data to the foreign website and load the content. I am willing to fund such a function.

Ok, I'll look into it and tell you how much work it represents. Note that if a logo was to be displayed, it couldn't come from the site itself because it would send them your cookies. It would have to be hosted by a third-party site. Is there a list of sites that need to be treated this way or should it be that way for just every third-party embed?
Thank you so much, Joshy!

It's fine to upload the logos locally to the Xenforo file directory or to use Font Awesome icons or similar. For me it's only 6-7 social sites (Facebook, Google, YouTube and few more, will send you list), I don't use most of your great embed possibilities. But to keep it open maybe it would be an idea to provide possibility to upload image/choose icon and if not used to show a placeholder icon for other websites.
In Germany, at the moment, it would be dangerous to embed ANY foreign site which collects personal data (IP address...).
Please add the possibilty for a phrase/text (one for all websites is enough) to formulate a text "if you click here, data will be sent to foreign website and content will be loaded. Agree" to show close to the logos.

Missing embedding content from ESPN, will cause a full-page redirect to their 404 page. ie;

Missing embedding content from ESPN, will cause a full-page redirect to their 404 page. ie;

Yeah, ESPN have completely changed their video stuff at least twice since I created the add-on and they don't care about letting links die. Do you still have the original URL?

On a side note, I'm having a bit of a health issue at the moment so I have no estimate when I'm going to be able to resume maintenance work. Twitch published a new scheme for video links and I have updated the add-on on GitHub but I haven't published the release here yet. I feel like I haven't opened this thread in weeks and I'm reading posts on this page that I don't remember writing. :sick: Anyway, I'll look into it as soon as things clear up.
Okay take your time. Google Drive links work if you open them in full screen, and the thumbnails display, you just can't view it directly from the forum post....
How can I make it so that when someone posts a link to there channel on Vidme, it won't try to turn that link into a video? How do I make it so you have to click the media icon and paste the video url in for it to show a video? Right now, if someone just posts there vidme channel link, it shows up this page is not available with vidme error box.
How can I make it so that when someone posts a link to there channel on Vidme, it won't try to turn that link into a video? How do I make it so you have to click the media icon and paste the video url in for it to show a video? Right now, if someone just posts there vidme channel link, it shows up this page is not available with vidme error box.

If you can provide such a link I'll look into it.

That's a news article, I don't see any video on this page? Last I checked, NFL didn't provide a way to embed their videos.

Any more ideas on the Google Drive issue? :)

Works fine for me in Google Chrome and Firefox. Fails on Chromium because of an incorrect HTTP header. That's not something either of us can fix. You can try reporting the JavaScript errors to YouTube, although I'm surprised they haven't fixed it already. It may depend on some browser settings. You'll find the error messages in your error console. Ctrl+Shift+J usually opens it. In the meantime you can get the original YouTube link from the Share icon on the top right of the player, even if it doesn't load. At least on mine I can.

XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://docs.google.com/get_video_info?docid=0B1BcB5Xe0PscMDBEZDViTF9hUnM&eurl. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'https://youtube.googleapis.com' is therefore not allowed access.
@Damnlag That one's not easy and it's never going to be perfect because it's impossible to tell what kind of page this is by looking at the URL. Can be a channel page, a video, any other page on the site. So I'll resort to looking into the page's content but that'll break every time they change their markup. I hope this won't become a maintenance nightmare. :unsure:

I'll publish an update in a moment.
Works fine for me in Google Chrome and Firefox. Fails on Chromium because of an incorrect HTTP header. That's not something either of us can fix. You can try reporting the JavaScript errors to YouTube, although I'm surprised they haven't fixed it already. It may depend on some browser settings. You'll find the error messages in your error console. Ctrl+Shift+J usually opens it. In the meantime you can get the original YouTube link from the Share icon on the top right of the player, even if it doesn't load. At least on mine I can.
Actually it's Google Drive, not Youtube. :) On Google Chrome the video thumbnail with play button loads just fine, but like I said, when I try to play it, I get the error....
It's a YouTube video that Google Drive is trying to embed. Except they're requesting some info via XHR without setting the proper header and the request fails with the error message I quoted above. I don't know why it even works on Firefox/Chrome; It shouldn't.

XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://docs.google.com/get_video_info?docid=0B1BcB5Xe0PscMDBEZDViTF9hUnM&eurl. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'https://youtube.googleapis.com' is therefore not allowed access.
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