MG 1.1 Pictures on first page too large


Active member

when I go in my MG the pictures on the index page are way too big. Where can I change the size for them?
The pictures themselves are fine and even bigger than the overview, but the overview looks really bad.


First of all, thanks for the quick response again.
That made it a bit better but they look still horrible compared to the original.
Here is a link to check it. Is there something that I need to update to make them look better or are they just that bad in resolution on the overview page?
NHL 09 | Wasserlasser AddOns

It looks like you have made changes to sort this now.

It's worth noting that your thumbnail size is currently 150 x 150. If you wanted to allow fewer images per row, again, e.g. 3 is the default or 4 might be recommended on fluid width styles; you would certainly need to change your thumbnail size. The default thumb size is 300 x 300. After changing that you would need to rebuild your thumbnails under Applications > Gallery Rebuilds > Rebuild Thumbnails.
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