Members reaction to Xen release and price!

That is disgusting, I have just had my youngest daughter seeing this image, do we really have to have gore images on a site children should be safe to surf.

I personally think is quite cute. But I do understand that some people and young children might find it offensive/scary.

So I took liberty to adjust it and make it more child friendly for you Alice ;)

I will say that young children shouldn't be online anyway (under 13) in most cases, and even with adult supervision parents should look before they leap, so to speak, before going off on people. Anyway...

While feeling so sure of an uniformed hunch makes the world a simple and user-friendly place, most of your points are a fair way from reality. We writers of the blog actually are over-educated inner-urban professionals with a social conscience and a thinly-veiled distaste for people who make no effort to live with modesty, selflessness, and accountability for their actions. We come from a variety of backgrounds, but currently see the world in a similar way. We don't really "wannabe" anything: we're happy, we started the blog for our own entertainment, and it's a bonus when we entertain and provoke thought in others. We can't really speak for our readers, but we're grateful that they've been supportive of our creative hobby.

Yep, we piggy-backed on someone else's format, and chose a different area of social commentary. And why not a hosted blog? People get there by hyperlinks, and we saw little point in paying for a service that would provide minimal actual benefit, but would require extra fiddling. We'd rather put our limited spare time into creating interesting written content. Anyway, thanks for enjoying the site when you did, and drop by whenever you feel like it from now on.


It must warm your heart to be the holders of the flame of Aussie culture. How very bogan to steal someone else's idea and not have the balls to put any money or time in to the project. A site by bogans dedicated to taking the piss out of bogans, how very .... oh wait a minute that's been done before as well. "creating interesting written content", and with an ego to match. Sorry as your dropping reply rates would suggest complete fail! Right off to check availability of tickets to the next Pink concert, the footie finals this weekend, and to see if I can't add another 10 squares to my house.
Why don't you try reading my post properly for once, so you don't think we should be able to protect our children from crap like that, this site is SUPPOSED to be family friendly, it's NOT your site Floris, get over yourself will you.
This is a place of business (Or will be when its released), and for the most part, I do not think children should be here.

The thought that an image that someone posted, which is -clearly- fake, and looks like a toy (My 10 year old brother has toys that have much more gore then that image for that matter), is as appropriate as many of the words, terms, and images already posted here.

Not to mention your previous avatar, while not nudity, is clearly close enough and not something many parents would allow their children to see.

Sorry, but I just see your post as hypocritical in that context, while it was probably not meant as such, that is just my opinion.

If parents are worried about the things their children will see on the Internet... They should either not allow them on the Internet (Which is what -my- parents try to do with my brother, and it does nothing really), or police their Internet usage with pre-selected sites they can use. 
It must warm your heart to be the holders of the flame of Aussie culture. How very bogan to steal someone else's idea and not have the balls to put any money or time in to the project. A site by bogans dedicated to taking the **** out of bogans, how very .... oh wait a minute that's been done before as well. "creating interesting written content", and with an ego to match. Sorry as your dropping reply rates would suggest complete fail! Right off to check availability of tickets to the next Pink concert, the footie finals this weekend, and to see if I can't add another 10 squares to my house.

That's an interesting spin on tall poppy syndrome. The blog started as a creative project between mates who aren't tech heads, and it spread virally with zero dollars spent on site design or marketing. It'd probably be easier to say we're terrible if we ploughed huge resources into it and failed, but we focussed on creating written content instead of frills, and we have a book coming out soon. We wouldn't really be worried if reply rates dropped - we've already had millions more views than we could reasonably have expected, and of course no novelty wave can continue indefinitely. But yes, TBL certainly isn't our day job, so anything that has happened with it is just a bonus. Anyway, I'm out. Have a good'un.
Good to hear, I am actually now tossing up if I should buy a third .. hmmm if I get in on day one it is basically three for two - that is very tempting!
That is the assumption I am also leaning towards... bugger all really, and considering I have other interests that all run US$ through the paypal account, no issues with conversion rates.

"Does little happy dance for release of a new toy to play with..."
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