XF 1.0 Member Card

Wherever* you see a username or an avatar in XenForo, clicking it will open that user's member card.


The member card is a small summary of a user's profile, showing various commonly-viewed data, such as user title, gender, message count etc. along with the full size (but cropped to square) version of the user's avatar. Clicking on the username or the 'View Profile Page' link will load the user's full profile page.

There are various useful links on the member card, including links to follow or unfollow the user, start a conversation with them, view their recently-posted messages, or see a summary of the trophies they have accumulated.


Loading the member card rather than the full profile page can take a significant weight off the server load.

Of course, for visitors with javascript disabled, a click on a username or avatar will load the normal, full profile page.

* There are a few instances where a click will go directly to the full profile page, or will load the avatar editor.


  • Member Card.webp
    Member Card.webp
    20.2 KB · Views: 3,310
  • Trophy-Summary.webp
    15.7 KB · Views: 3,167
I would be great if it did that... or as suggested double click

If double-click is being considered for this, just remember that there is a large contingent of the uneducated masses on the internets that routinely double-click all links and buttons, not knowing that a single click will suffice (probably as an extension of using Windows and by default having to double-click files to open them).
Here I was suggesting a trophy comparison page, and I can't even find the page that lists my current trophy collection! Is it linked on my profile somewhere and I'm not seeing it?
Meh I missed a 0 Ubuntu 10.04 :p... As for chrome middle click opens all other links in a new tab just not clicking on the profile picture in which case it still opens the member card :(

Bummer. I wonder why it doesn't work. It would be nice if Kier could look into it (I assume he as a Windows VM), because Chrome is becoming more and more popular. :)
I browse this site in chrome, have done for the last two days, works fine, same as in Opera.

Edit; the middle click on chrome does actually bring up the member card, I assumed this was by design.
As far as I know, it's not possible to distinguish a left-click from a middle-click in javascript. Feel free to correct me though.

Chrome (Mac) is my primary browser.
Here's what I've found using IE8:
  • Left clicking either the avatar or the user's name (below the avatar) brings up the member card.
  • Right clicking the avatar brings up a menu. To view the members profile page, choose 'Forward'.
  • Right clicking the user's name (below the avatar) brings up a menu allowing you to view the member's page with either open, open in a tab or open a new page.
  • Click (either right or left) and hold and drag to the bar at the bottom left of the screen (don't know IE's name for this area, but it's where addresses are shown when you hover over icons, buttons, etc.) will display the member's page.
That was something we added for a joke, but we liked it so it stayed.
Good to see that even jokes can improve functionality ;)
Kier, if possibly could you add some icon to let people know that it would be going to an external site? As it is now, it'll be more like an easter egg, and only people who are click happy, or try most links will find it without being told.
This could be done by applying a rel/class to any link and using JS to target and append an icon.
I like how this is setup. Would be fun to have setting options to customize card styles possible later?
Smart idea, I like it! Agreed.
I am sure the geo-location feature can be defined to how specific you want it to be... So if you set it to "Town Level" - "City Level" etc... still a nice idea... I would love to see HTML5 Video Tags being used for other video types like mpeg2 and OGG too.... Would be really cool...
HTML5 video on [MEDIA] tags and an embed fallback for incompatible browsers.
I noticed this feature first time I came here, and I like it, it's simple and smart.
If just Admin can add or remove fields/info as he want, I think that will be useful and very flexible.
I like this, agreed.
Except that I was thinking, maybe comparing your obtained trophies to the total trophy list on the same page. Perhaps the ones you haven't collected yet are grayed out, but you can still read what you need to do to collect it.
Loving this idea, it gives users an incentive to continue browsing your forum (did you suggest it?).
If your browser to disable images, the card becomes useless.
Maybe somebody thinks it's silly to disable browser images, but if you really think that would work without java script, you can let the images and without work.
I think the member card is pretty nice. It's also a good idea to move info that can cause fights (seriously), such as the post count, to the member card.
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