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Joomla Bridge using JFusion

Hi Cheesegrits,
I am still committed to keeping this mod updated and will ensure it works with both Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.6 (once JFusion is available for 1.6). However, due to changes in my personal circumstances, I don't have as much free time as I used to. So although I will be doing my best to fix any bugs, sometimes it may take me a few days to respond. Especially at the start of the week.

In the longer term, once Joomla 1.6 is stable and working, I'll probably concentrate my efforts more on that, as the main reason I started this mod was to support one of my own sites which will be using Joomla 1.6 as soon as JFusion is stable.

Thanks for the fast response.

Personally, I think I'll be skipping 1.6 (which IMHO is more like 1.7 Beta), and wait for 1.7, which is already in Alpha. Like a lot J! component developers, it's taking a lot more time than we had hoped to get our product (Fabrik, an application development toolkit) migrated from 1.5 to 1.6, and we're finding 1.6, and some of the 'mission critical' 3rd party components (like JFusion) to be just a little too fragile, or flat out not available yet, to consider moving our live site to it.

Anyway, glad to hear you remain committed to this mod. So now it's time for me to go and install it ...

-- hugh
[EDIT - ISSUE FIXED - see next post]

Hey Coop,

A while back I'd asked if the XF plugin could act as the slave ...

yes, that configuration should work with Joomla 1.5

... but I don't seem to be able to configure it that way. The 'Slave' and 'Dual Login' options are both 'padlocked' in the main JFusion Plugin Configuration page.


JFusion 1.5.5
J! 1.2.23
XF 1.0.2

-- hugh
OK, made some progress.

For some reason the 'slave' and 'dual_login' fields in the xenforo row in the #__jfusion table were set to 3. I set those both to 0, reloaded the JF Plugins page, and was then able to enable both settings. I didn't look to see why those fields got set to 3 in the first place, BTW.

Next issue was some bugs in ./plugins/xenforo/user.php when I created a user on the J! side, then tried to login with that user on the J! front end. First issue was around line 70, where $authinfo['salt'] pitches an 'undefined index' warning:

                case 'XenForo_Authentication_Core':
                    $result->password = $authinfo['hash'];
                    // $$$ hugh - looks like if XF is slave and user just
                    // created on J!, no salt in authinfo
                    if (array_key_exists('salt', $authinfo)) {
                        $result->password_salt = $authinfo['salt'];
                    else {
                        $result->password_salt = '';

Then around 224 (with the above code mod), fatal errors trying to access $this->helper ...

        // $$$ hugh - changed to grab helper from factory and use $helper not $this->helper
        $helper = & JFusionFactory::getHelper($this->getJname());
        $existinguser->remember_key = $helper->generateRandomString(40);
        $existinguser->password_salt = $helper->generateRandomString(64);

With the above two code mods, creating a user and logging in on the J! side now seems to work (warning and error free), the user gets created in XF and the auto login to XF works.

I'll let you know about any other issues I run across.

-- hugh
Truemedia said:
The project is hosted here:


The planned features for 1.0 are:
  • - Login integration (one way)
  • - Logout integration (one way)
  • - Registration integration (one way)
  • - URL Redirects
  • - Session integration
  • - Template integration
  • - Change password integration
  • - Links for project page, wiki, support forum, download page, and github links

Check the progress, goals, and developement material/notes on github and on our developement server http://mediacityonline.net/production

I will also list downloads here when the first beta version is ready
Co-op: is your Addon the same as the MediaCityOnline.net one ?
Hello, I am sorry if this bug has been already reported .
I got the following error when trying to logout from forum.
I cannot logout from joomla side also.

Undefined property: XenForo_ControllerResponse_View::$redirectType

    XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in JoomlaBridge/ControllerPublic/Logout.php at line 99
    JoomlaBridge_ControllerPublic_Logout->actionIndex() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
    XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
    XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/ldhq/laodonghanquoc.com/forum/index.php at line 13
Hello, I am sorry if this bug has been already reported .
I got the following error when trying to logout from forum.
I cannot logout from joomla side also.

Undefined property: XenForo_ControllerResponse_View::$redirectType

    XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in JoomlaBridge/ControllerPublic/Logout.php at line 99
    JoomlaBridge_ControllerPublic_Logout->actionIndex() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
    XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
    XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/ldhq/laodonghanquoc.com/forum/index.php at line 13
Dear Coop, thank you so much for this bridge, first of all. :)

I can confirm this error as well. The above error message comes when you try to logout from XenForo whereas trying to log out from Joomla simply does nothing and keeps you logged in.

My installation is as follows:
XenForo: http://domain.com
  • Joomla set as slave
  • Xenforo set as master
  • Registrations disabled in Joomla
  • Registrations enabled in Xenforo
  • Sync is from Xenforo to Joomla
  • Joomla version is 1.5.23
  • Using standard Joomla login module and JFusion login module (can login but not logout)
The only difference I can think of is that I'm using Jfusion 1.5.6 rather than 1.5.5 which you used for testing, as mentioned in the first post. And I'm also using XenForo 1.0.4.

Any help would be very much appreciated. :)
Dear Coop, thank you so much for this bridge, first of all. :)

I can confirm this error as well. The above error message comes when you try to logout from XenForo whereas trying to log out from Joomla simply does nothing and keeps you logged in.

My installation is as follows:
XenForo: http://domain.com
  • Joomla set as slave
  • Xenforo set as master
  • Registrations disabled in Joomla
  • Registrations enabled in Xenforo
  • Sync is from Xenforo to Joomla
  • Joomla version is 1.5.23
  • Using standard Joomla login module and JFusion login module (can login but not logout)
The only difference I can think of is that I'm using Jfusion 1.5.6 rather than 1.5.5 which you used for testing, as mentioned in the first post. And I'm also using XenForo 1.0.4.

Any help would be very much appreciated. :)

I had a quick look at these logout problems and it looks like an issue with XenForo, probably a change in the latest version. I'll update the addon.

Sorry it took me until now to get back to this topic, for some reason I didn't get email notifications when people posted. I'll figure out what the problem is and update the addon over the next 1-2 days.
I had a quick look at these logout problems and it looks like an issue with XenForo, probably a change in the latest version. I'll update the addon.

Sorry it took me until now to get back to this topic, for some reason I didn't get email notifications when people posted. I'll figure out what the problem is and update the addon over the next 1-2 days.
That would be brilliant. Thank you Coop. :)
Hi coop I'm the guy that was going to originally make the JFusion plugin for this and was still planning to until I saw the amount of progress you have already made and continued to make on this.

I wasn't very far along in the process of making it and would happily contribute to assist in bugs and coding new features. You should make a new topic in the JFusion 3rd party plugin forum and post everything for this plugin there, keeping everything on this forum is limiting people who already use JFusion by needing to dig far for an answer.

There's also ways you can shorten the setup process and track/fix bugs better if your willing to team up on the JFusion dev team and add this to the official release, or add to your own version control/ bug tracker system.

I can really help you out on this, and everyone in general by making it more accessible, and if your ok with that I will pull down all the stuff related to JFusion Xenforo currently linked to my name and give all the code I had to you.
Ok kool, I'll take all the stuff I have currently posted relating to it and replace it with a notice that I am discontinuing it because it has already been made. I'll let you know how to move to JFusion codebase once your ready, some of my plugins I am not adding to the codebase until after 1.6 but I do have access and currently have my own official JFusion plugin for prestashop I have been maintaining and testing.

I look forward to seeing another developer active and expanding the JFusion project :)
OK, I've updated both the JFusion plugin and the XenForo plugin. Please download them and test. They work fine on my local installation which is Joomla 1.5 and XenForo 1.0.4. I have not yet tested against Joomla 1.6, but will do over the next few days.

If you have problems, please report back with the version of Joomla that you are using and the version of XenForo. This plugin has now been uploaded to the JFusion site here http://www.jfusion.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=57&t=7367 as as discussed. Over the weekend, a git repository will be setup for it. I'll publish details of that once complete.
Thank you for updating, Coop. (y)

How exactly would I go about updating the previous installation of the bridge?
For the Xen forums addon, follow the istructions for installation. For the JFusion plugin, login to Joomla and go to the JFusion module manager page, then tell it to install the xenforo.zip file. I'll write more detailed instructions shortly and update the first post with upgrade instructions.
For the Xen forums addon, follow the istructions for installation. For the JFusion plugin, login to Joomla and go to the JFusion module manager page, then tell it to install the xenforo.zip file. I'll write more detailed instructions shortly and update the first post with upgrade instructions.
Thank you very much, Coop. That would be very helpful for everyone indeed. :)
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