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  • Hey Coop,

    Looks like you've dropped development of the JFusion bridge. I'd be interested in taking it over and maintaining it, if you don't have the time for it. I badly need it for my site.

    -- hugh
    Hey Coop,
    Forgive me if this is the wrong place but it looks like you're the go-to man for jfusion issues. Could I hire you to assist with my Joomla1.5/XenForo bridge? Everything is installed (Joomla1.5/Xenforo1.1.3/Jfusion1.7.7), but I've exhausted my ideas.
    Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/KKRV7.png
    hi Coop
    as my message on jfusion board, we have a USD.70 budget for the installation(Joomla, jfusion ,jfusion addons of xenforo, magento ).
    Can you help us?
    If you can, please just give us your paypal account.
    Thank you very much.
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