Editor & BB Code Manager

Editor & BB Code Manager 2.0.1 Patch Level 1

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Is that on the default style? At least on my dev installation it works fine. That would normally be caused by your style explicitly setting a line height for your post content area which does not scale with the actual font size. Could also potentially cause issues with the inline spoiler.
Yes, default style
Rss Feeds:
  • Hidden content is visible and the only work around i can figure out is by disabling "Discussion content RSS snippet length ".
  • Hidden content is visible with searching and the only way to stop this is by completely disabling search.
User Profiles:
  • Hidden content is visible under the Postings tab.

Some issues i noticed with the hide hack, i hope you can solve them :)
These issues have been already reported, Ignite. It doesn't depend on the developer of this add-on, but on xenforo itself which doesn't strip the bbcodes under certain circumstances.
User profiles and RSS feed I'd have to check if that's on XFs or my end. Search index definitely is the XF system and there's unfortunately no place I could hook into to make it work. They moved my bug report to the suggestion forum, so make sure to upvote it to see an improvement on that matter.
Yes, default style
Found out that this happens when you put the size code inside of the background color code. I'll see if I can come up with a workaround, but I'm not sure if there's a whole lot I can do, due to the nature of how the browser handles that.

Edit: Got a workaround ready for the next update. It's not 100% perfect for all situations, but the best we can do within the BB Code realm.

I didn't see a button. Am I missing it?
Once you enabled the button in the options it should pop up in the toolbar layout section, somewhere around undo/redo:
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@Lukas W. can u possibly make it so HIDEPOSTS is dynamic and not just hardcoded? Same for the thanks hide to so that things like this can be done.

@Lukas W. can u possibly make it so HIDEPOSTS is dynamic and not just hardcoded? Same for the thanks hide to so that things like this can be done.

Can do that for the hideposts, but I don't see what the use would be for hidethanks? That one only checks if you've liked the post, not if you've given X likes.
Lukas W. updated Editor Manager with a new update entry:

1.0.0 Beta 1


Important: This is a beta update. Installation on a live site is not recommended and timely updates to fix urgent issues cannot be guaranteed. Use at your own risk.

Please note: You may not upgrade to this version from any Beta or Release Candidate version. Please upgrade your installation to at least 1.0.0 before upgrading to this or any future update.

Please note: Due to the extensive rework, your current...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I'm interested in this addon for my site. However the latest beta says it's recommended not to use on a live site. So would 1.0.2 Patch Level 1 be suitable for a live site? If so how do I download that version?
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