[DBTech] DragonByte Mail

[DBTech] DragonByte Mail [Paid] 5.0.2

No permission to buy ($14.95)
who might need to overwrite the SMTP settings for mass email, etc
I have no problem to pay for ADD on's here. so sorry to ask, but can you brief describe where I would need this plugin? I have a huge bounce rate because users signup and after some time there e-mail get's invalid. I want to get rid of such accounts by using services like Debounce or similar.

Is that what I can use your product for?
I have no problem to pay for ADD on's here. so sorry to ask, but can you brief describe where I would need this plugin? I have a huge bounce rate because users signup and after some time there e-mail get's invalid. I want to get rid of such accounts by using services like Debounce or similar.

Is that what I can use your product for?
Yeah, DB Mail does indeed have something to counter that. You can enable a feature that attempts to validate all email addresses, the only caveat is that you need to allow port 25 and 465 in your firewall. If you don't do that before enabling the feature, every user's email address will be flagged as invalid.
Disabled Apache SpamAssassin but still happening this Server error log. When member getting email from your add-on then user going to Unsubscribe and this Server error log automatically generated.
This has nothing to do with this addon. The headers were added prior to you disabling SA.
The headers were added prior to you disabling SA.

So old email will be generated this Server error log?

Manually validate addresses via CLI by running php cmd.php dbtech-mail:validate-emails <numEmails> (where <numEmails> is the number of email addresses you wish to validate).

How many email you are recommended for validate at a time? Do you have any limitation?
There's no hard limit. Some email servers might begin blocking you if you send too many requests, so it might be wise to limit it to like 1000 per batch or something.

How can force re-validate all email address? Does this CLI work?

cmd.php dbtech-mail:re-validate-emails 1000
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